Page 17 of A Curvy Carol
“Cross-stitch with snow? What do you mean?”
After explaining his idea to me, we got to work.
Whit used a big plastic shovel he’d brought along to make a giant pile of snow. Meanwhile, my mind sparked with an idea. “I’ll be right back.”
It didn’t take long to make a run to Santa’s Elves and ask for a few bottles of water. I packed them in my bag, then stopped at a grocery store on the way back, looking carefully for what I needed on the shelves until I spotted the food coloring.
I made it back to Whit and set the bag down before helping him roll together the snowman. I checked the clock. We still had plenty of time if we worked quickly.
My hand brushed Whit’s, sending butterflies cascading through my stomach. I glanced at him to see if his reaction was as strong as mine, but his gaze was firmly on our project.
I had to admit that it annoyed me. Not Whit’s touch or his indifference—but the butterflies. It was a silly distraction, feeling that sort of way toward him.
He was the cutest guy I’d ever met, and I knew every girl at school would think so come January. He had no reason to fall for a girl like me. I wasn’t a thin and beautiful cheerleader, which was probably his type. That seemed to be every high school boy’s type. So I wasn’t about to indulge in even the smallest crush on Whit. Especially when I wasn’t sure I wanted a romantic relationship with anyone at all.
After making the snowman, we kept going with our special design, adding a really cute and intricate Santa Claus out of X’s painted into the snow. Whit finished up the beard, perfecting the shape and details. “You’re good at this,” I told him.
He grinned. “I like to draw sometimes, and it’s coming in handy.”
We added the colored water bottles to the design last, placing them carefully all around.
Finally, the timer went off loudly, which meant it was time for the judging. This was the moment of truth.
We finally allowed ourselves to look around at what everybody else had done.
“Look at that,” I murmured. Someone had gone all out and built a snowman family, complete with Garland gear and very realistic presents. “There’s some real talent this year.”
“Yeah,” Whit replied. “But I also think our design is really good.”
I took my phone out on impulse and took a picture of him in front of it. He made a funny pose, which made me laugh. Then he took my phone and took a picture of me too. I thought we were done, but then he said, “Come here.”
My cheeks were flushed, and not from the cold, as I went to stand beside him. I didn’t really like having my picture taken. But then he put his arm around my shoulders, making the butterflies dance all over again.
I didn’t have to force my smile as I looked at the phone and he took a selfie of us together. With it done, I stepped to the side, feeling embarrassed about how strongly I was reacting to just having his arm around me. I looked around, too nervous to meet his gaze.
The judges were already going by each snowman, carefully scoring each entry. It was going to take a while before they got to us, much less finish judging. And without Whit’s arm around me or the exertion of making a snowman, I was shivering.
Whit must’ve noticed because he said, “I could go for some hot cocoa. Want to go? We can get you cider instead.” He winked.
I looked up at him and nodded, trying not to notice how close his face was to mine.
Just like before, I reminded myself that Whit would never go for a girl like me.
While we sat and sipped our drinks together, the judges continued making their rounds outside.
We shed our wet gloves, and Carolynn held on to her hot mug with pink fingers, still shivering a little. Hopefully, the cider would warm her up from the inside out.
“Your nose is as red as Rudolph’s,” I quipped.
Her smile sent a bolt of warmth straight to my chest. She was even cuter when she brought her fingers to her nose like she could warm it up before I remembered it was red.
For a second, I thought about wrapping my arms around her. I thought about being that close to her, and my hands itched to touch her. I set them in my lap and looked away. Carolynn wouldn’t want some guy she just met making a move.
“What?” she asked.