Page 113 of Hero's Prize
Not that the switch to everyotherday was so much better.
And then there were the dates. Every night, Colton had taken her somewhere. Sometimes to the Eagle’s Nest or one of the small restaurants in town. Sometimes to Reddington City. Once even involved whisking her off to New York City for a weekend to the opening of a new restaurant there.
Colton was attentive, charming, and persistent as hell.
Tony was out of their life—the man was awaiting trial on multiple charges, including attempted murder. There was no more danger, no more stalker. Colton had been using the shake-up as an opportunity to begin implementing the changes he wanted to make in his career.
Ella loved to see him so passionate and focused. He’d still had a couple of nightmares about the avalanche but none of the full-on panic attacks that had plagued him.
Because his mind knew he was moving in the right direction.
Including shutting down his social media accounts, which he’d done this morning.
Ella hadn’t asked him to do that. She’d made her peace with thefact that people could be cruel. There would always be someone who’d post negative things just because they could. She wasn’t going to live her life worrying what strangers thought of her or her appearance or her weight.
For her, getting rid of her social media accounts had been easy: just delete them.
For Colton, with his millions of followers, it had been a little more complicated. He’d issued a statement rather than merely deleting the accounts.
For as long as I can remember, it has been my focus, my passion, my muse.
Nothing was ever more important to me than reaching the next level. Than pushing myself to do more. Than transcending limits.
Thank you for coming on those adventures with me.
But now, I leave you to take my next adventure—my greatest adventure—privately.
And I am the luckiest man in the world.
Ella couldn’t tear her eyes away from the picture accompanying the statement. One of Colton staring at her, with nothing short of awe on his face.
It was from their first actual real date a month ago. No sting operation, no pretending.
Just them.
She didn’t know who snapped the picture, but she couldn’t deny the look of love on Colton’s face. Love forher.
Which was why she closed Fancy Pants early today and sent everyone home. She had some baking to do.
It took her a few times to get the treat correct—combining both butterscotch and rainbow sprinkles into something delicious wasn’t particularly easy. But she knew the combination would work, given enough tweaking.
Just like she knew she and Colton would work in the same way.
A mini butterscotch choux au craquelin—with a light dusting of rainbow sprinkles on the top—made it into the final treat box a fewhours later. The cream-puff-type French pastry was delicious, if she said so herself. It would definitely become a regular in her shop.
Colton had been busy today and had texted her to ask if they could meet at the Eagle’s Nest for dinner. Looking at the clock now, she would have to hurry to make it on time.
She loved that she didn’t have to worry about what she looked like—didn’t have to rush home to change or primp. Colton didn’t mind her hair in the messy bun or her in jeans and a sweater.
Although, when she got to the Eagle’s Nest and saw that nearly everybody in town had decided to hang out there that evening, she wished she had at least made sure she’d gotten all the flour off her face.
Colton waved to her from the booth he was standing near, talking to Bear and Lincoln. Becky and Lilah were in another booth, so Ella stopped by there on her way over to Colton.
“Do I look okay?” she asked. “Colton and I are having dinner. But I didn’t expect the entire town to be here on a Wednesday night, for crying out loud.”
She knew this was her deep-rooted insecurities talking, but she also knew that it was going to take longer than a mere month to move past them.