Page 61 of Hero's Prize
Ella woke up inside Colton’s old truck. She vaguely remembered his waking her just before dawn and shuffling her in here in a blanket. He hadn’t said where they were going, and she’d been too tired to ask—then she’d promptly fallen back asleep as soon as the engine had started.
“Is this a kidnapping?” She popped a hand over her mouth when the last word came out as a yawn.
He smiled over at her. “Maybe, since you’ve been unconscious for a couple hours. It was starting to feel that way.”
She un-cocooned herself from the blanket so she could stretch. “I can’t believe you still have this truck. You were driving this thing around back in high school. It’s ancient.”
“Hey, now. Respect your elders. This truck is my most prized possession.”
She smiled. It had been his most prized possession back in high school also. She reached up and patted the dashboard. “I apologize, beautiful.”
Colton nodded in approval. “Good. Now she might get us there without breaking down.”
“Where are we going?”
“One of my favorite places on the planet. Fairytale.”
She blinked, looking out the window. “We’re going somewhere that reminds you of a fairy tale?”
“No, we’re going to Fairytale, Colorado.”
She laughed and untucked herself from her blanket a little more. “Is that a real place? I’ve never heard of it.”
“It is a real place, but it’s even smaller than Oak Creek, so I’m not surprised you haven’t heard of it. It’s in Northwest Colorado. I decided we needed a break, away from everything. Lilah is going to cover anything you need at work, and Bear has given us the full day off from camp.”
Just for a second, she almost argued but then decided he was right. They did need a break.
“How long have we been driving?”
“A couple of hours. But it will be worth it, I promise.”
That sounded fine to Ella. Honestly, merely driving with him was a treat. She wished she hadn’t slept for so long, but she knew she’d needed it.
“Do you want me to drive? I’ve gotten more sleep than you have.”
He smiled, reached over, and grabbed her hand. She told herself not to read too much into that, but the gesture made her want to break into a grin.
“No, I’m fine. We are almost there now anyway.”
A few minutes later, a little town seemed to pop out of nowhere in the middle of the mountains.
“Oh my gosh.”
Colton slowed so she could get a better look. The town was absolutely charming, which, given its name, shouldn’t have surprised her.
Both sides of the street were full of quaint little shops with matching burgundy-and-gold awnings overhanging the storefronts. The sidewalks were lined with old-fashioned streetlamps. Cast-iron benches rested next to flowerpots bursting with vibrant colors.
Ella’s nose was damn near pressed up against the window, shewas so enthralled by this enchanting little town. “It really is like a fairy tale.”
“And pretty much all the businesses here have leaned into the name. Beanstalk Brews and The Glass Sipper.”
She chuckled. “I say if you’re going to do it, go all in. How did you know about this place?”
“I’ve got a couple of friends who were born and raised here—Beau and Ezra Prince. One is law enforcement, one starting a security company.”
Surely he was joking. “Their last name is reallyPrince?”