Page 29 of Critical Strike
An announcement came over the speaker that the library was closing in five minutes.
“Is it big enough for both of us?” he asked.
She nodded. “As long as you’re not claustrophobic.”
“Closed-in spaces aren’t my favorite, but I’ll manage.”
He followed her as she slipped inside, then pulled the back panel into its rightful place.
It was definitely tight between the two of them and Khan’s backpack. But claustrophobia was the last thing Luke was thinking about.
How could he when Claire’s body was pressed up against him from head to toe?
“Hi,” he whispered.
Her head dropped against his chest. “Fancy meeting you here. This space seemed a lot bigger when I hid here as a kid.”
He put his hands on her hips. “You doing okay?”
He pulled her closer when she slid her arms around her waist. “Yeah.”
They fell quiet, both smiling as they heard the librarian sing Broadway show tunes as he went about his closing duties. A few minutes later, when they heard everything switch off, Luke knew they were probably in the clear.
“Do you think it’s safe to leave?” she whispered.
“I think we better stay in here a few more minutes.”
A plan that had nothing to do with the librarian and everything to do with him tilting up her face and bringing his lips down to hers.
He kept the kiss gentle and lazy, giving her plenty of opportunity to pull away if she wanted, and it wasn’t long before he could feel her fingertips pushing against his back, bringing himcloser, not away.
She wanted him, but it couldn’t possibly be as much as he wanted her. He could stay here for hours and worship the generous curves of her mouth.
And that was nothing compared to what he’d like to do to the rest of her body.
But he forced himself to ease back. This wasn’t the time or place for all the things he wanted to do to her, wanted them to do to each other.
He tilted his forehead against hers. They were both breathing heavily. “As much as I want to continue, we should save this for another time...”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
Khan meowed softly as if to offer his agreement, too. They both chuckled.
“Do you think it’s safe to come out now?” she whispered.
“Yes.” Luke turned so he could edge the back of the display open again. It was dim in the library. “Stay here while I double-check.”
It didn’t take long to confirm the building was empty. He returned to Claire and helped her out from the display.
She immediately set the backpack down so she could let the cat, literally, out of the bag. Khan stretched and walked around as if he owned the place.
“Okay, what do you need?” he asked.
“The computer lab. I’ll hack into the statewide system so it hides where we are, then I will need to backdoor into Passage Digital.” She began walking toward the lab.
“Stay away from the windows.” It was dim in here, but not completely dark. They couldn’t take a chance on being spotted by someone out walking their dog.