Page 43 of Critical Strike
That got rid of the smoky smell, but it didn’t change the fact that the situation had gotten even more dire. Who was she kidding? What were her real chances of being able to beat someone like Ballard? All she was doing now was dragging Luke into danger. He’d already been hurt because of it.
The towel was her only option while her clothes dried. She wrapped it around herself, thankful for once of her small stature since it covered enough of her to keep her decent.
Luke watched as she came out and sat on the bed, studying her with concern.
Certainly, he was not as distracted by the sight of some of her skin as she had been by his bare chest.
But what did she expect? Just because he’d been nice to her and had kissed her a couple of times didn’t mean he thought of her as anything more than just someone he used to know and was helping for old times’ sake. Given the circumstances, she should be glad he was even willing to do that.
“At least I don’t smell like a furnace anymore.” She tried for a lighthearted laugh, but it came out sounding stilted at best.
He nodded. “I’m going to wash off as best I can without getting my stitches wet. Then we should probably try to catch a few hours of sleep before figuring out our next plan.” She nodded and lay back. It was well after midnight and they could both use the rest.
Given everything, she should’ve been exhausted, but sleep wouldn’t come. Still wrapped in the towel, she got under the covers hoping that would help, but it didn’t. She just kept seeing the fire and Luke’s wound and that guy with the gun.
It was a nightmare she couldn’t wake up from.
“Whoa. Hey, Kitten, you’re shaking.”
Claire hadn’t even been aware that Luke had gotten out of the shower or sat down on the bed next to her.
“I’m... I’m okay.”
She wasn’t okay. She very definitely wasn’t okay.
“Hey. Hey, come here.”
She didn’t even think about resisting when he pulled her into his arms. He held her so close to him, his body absorbed her tremors until they finally stopped.
“I’m sorry. I’m acting like an idiot.”
He kissed along her forehead, keeping her wrapped up against him. She couldn’t remember ever feeling so secure.
“Don’t say that. I’ve known guys in the Special Forces who would have crumbled much harder under the pressure you’ve been through. You’re doing amazing.”
“I just don’t see how anything is ever going to be right again.”
She felt his fingers stroke along the bare skin of her shoulder blades as he laid them back. The shiver that ran through her this time had nothing to do with despondency.
“We’re going to figure this out. I know it seems hopeless right now, but I promise you, we are going to figure out a way to clear your name and make sure Ballard goes down.”
He said it with such deep, gruff authority, it was impossible not to believe him. She lifted her head off his chest so she could see his eyes. He was so sexy.
“Thank you. For everything.”
She leaned forward to give him a friendly kiss, but the moment she did, everything changed.
The kiss started soft but grew passionate and heated. This was what she wanted. She wanted to have this passion with him, even if it was only for tonight. She might have to make some hard choices to protect him in the morning, but for tonight, she wanted whatever she could get.
When she felt his hand tangle in her still-damp hair, pulling her closer, she knew Luke felt the same. She gave herself over to the kiss, almost scrambling on top of him in an effort to get closer.
But then he stopped.
She was so wound up, she didn’t even realize that he wasn’t kissing her with the same abandon that she was kissing him. It wasn’t until the hand that had been fisted in her hair loosened and he slid back that she became aware of it.
“Kitten. You’ve been through so much. I’m not sure this is a good idea.”