Page 19 of Give Me Three
“You ready to have the best sex of your life?”
I laughed huskily, moaning as Zeppelin slid deeper, his eyes locked on where he and I were joined. And knowing he was so riveted had me leaking into Eros’s ass. My head fell back to the mattress. “I know it’s a little late,” I panted, “but I’m clean.”
“We are, too,” Eros assured me. “I suggest you go on PrEP soon, though.”
I nodded just as Zeppelin bottomed out. Eros began to ride me then, and Zeppelin began to fuck me, both of them going slow at first before picking up their pace. I could do nothing but moan and groan and take what they were giving me. Andfuck, it was so good. Too good. How was something like thisreal?
“How’s it feel?” Eros gasped out, his hands planted on my chest. I lifted my hands from the mattress and covered his hands with mine,needingthat connection. I tried answering him, but Zeppelin pumped his cock into me in a particularly hard thrust that punched the breath out of my lungs. Eros, sensing I needed a connection, flattened his body to mine and wrapped his arms around me, letting Zeppelin fuck us both.
“I cannot get enough of the two of you together,” Zeppelin groaned, running his dark eyes, which were almost black, over us. “God, you stretch my husband so beautifully, Jax baby.”
That was all it took. A sound between a shout and a moan ripped from my throat as I spilled into Eros. Eros moaned, his ass clenching around my pulsing cock as he spilled between us. Zeppelin split his index and middle finger over where my cock was inside Eros, rubbing his fingers through the cum already leaking out of Eros, and then Zeppelin was falling over the edge, too, moaning as he pumped me full of his cum.
My eyes slid shut, my mind blissfully empty and my body relaxed. Eros eased off of me, and Zeppelin gently pulled out of me. “Situate him. He’s about to pass out,” I vaguely heard Zeppelin tell Eros. “I’ll get something to clean all of us up.”
“Baby,” Eros pressed a kiss to the corner of my slack lips, “help me get you on the bed properly.”
I groaned and did my best to help him maneuver my bigger body into the center of the bed. I was already drifting off when Zeppelin began cleaning me up, and by the time he and Eros curled up on either side of me, I was gone to the world, finally getting decent rest.
“Apretty boy like you is a rare thing,” the man sitting in front of me said in a way that was almost crooning. I shivered, disgust crawling through my veins. I tried pulling at my restraints, but the two men behind me only pulled the chains around me tighter. I gritted my teeth so hard, my jaw began to hurt.
Fuck my parents for this shit. I hoped they fuckingdied.
“Go on and relax, boy,” the man said, lifting his cigar to his lips. “I don’t want anything from you right now. I just want to look at you. You’re so damn pretty,” he cooed.
I sank my teeth into my tongue to keep myself from saying something I shouldn’t. It hadn’t taken me long to figure out that keeping my mouth shut was the only way to even potentially make it out of this shit unscathed. These men were as abusive as they were disgusting, and theylovedusing their fists on disobedient boys like me.
“You’re so quiet,” he mused, running his eyes over my naked, chained form. His eyes stayed on my cock for a moment, which was soft between my legs. He licked his lips before stretching out his bare foot to caress it over my dick. I gritted my teeth, swallowing bile when the fucking thing began to get hard from the stimulation. “That’s a good boy.”
I jerked awake, sweat running down my face and making the blankets stick to my skin. My heart was slamming against my chest bone, threatening to break out and drop to the covers covering my legs.
“Hey.” A hand rested on my shoulder, and then Jaxon was pressing his chest to my back, one arm sliding around my waist. “You’re panicking. Breathe.” He splayed his hand over my chest and lightly tapped it in a steady, soothing rhythm. “Breathe with my hand, baby.”
I drew in a shuddered breath, staring at the wall across from me as I forced my lungs to work with his hand. Once my heart rate had slowed and my breathing was mostly normal, Jaxon gently nudged me out of bed before grabbing my hand and leading me out of the room. We were both still naked, but I was still too out of it to really care.
He slid open the back door quietly before leading me onto the back patio. It was still dark outside with only the moonlight providing light. Stars twinkled in the sky, seeming to almost wink at me. I drew in a deep breath of the warm, Florida air as I sank into one of the chairs nearest me. Ash softly meowed and began to wind her little body between my legs.
“Stay there,” Jaxon quietly ordered before slipping back inside. I leaned down and rubbed my hand over Ash’s fur, smiling a littlewhen she began to purr. Why was a cat’s purr so damn soothing? There was just something so happy and settling about the sound.
“Here,” Jaxon said, coming back outside. He set a wooden box in front of me and pulled off the top, setting it aside. I stopped petting Ash and scooted closer to the table, wordlessly grabbing one of the flowers and paper so I could roll a blunt. Jaxon handed me the grinder.
“You smoke?” I asked, my voice raspy. I still felt a little disconnected from myself, but I didn’t want Jaxon to think I wasn’t grateful for his help or something.
He took the seat next to me and leaned back, shaking his head as he laced his fingers over his midsection and shut his eyes. “Nah. Logan does, though. He keeps a stash here.”
“And you condone it?” I asked, a little surprised. Jaxon seemed like the kind of parent to be a real hard ass.
Jaxon opened his eyes to look at me. “Logan is an adult, and he’s capable of making his own decisions. I’m just here to support him. I love him like he’s my own biological child—him and Ezra both. Logan’s…” Jaxon paused for a moment, letting his gaze wander. I began rolling the blunt, letting him get his thoughts together. “He’s been through some shit. I’d rather him cope with weed when life gets too hard and smoke here or at home than get involved in something darker.”
“You’re a good dad,” I told him honestly, wishing I’d had someone like him in my corner when I was a kid. I probably wouldn’t have been sold to a trafficker just so my parents could pay off their mountain of debt.
Jaxon shrugged. “I do my best, but thank you.”
Silence descended after that, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. I just lit the blunt and tossed the lighter onto the table. Leaning back in my seat, I closed my eyes, letting the smoke settle in my lungs before I blew it out my mouth. When I opened my eyes again, Ash was chasing a bug around the yard, and my lips quirked up at the corners.