Page 7 of Phoenix Chosen 3
He traces circles around my nipples, creating little shivers of pleasure that put goosebumps on my sweat-shined skin. God, they’re sensitive right now. And when he leans in and flicks his tongue against them, I let out a little moan. Score another win for the pleasure side.
Maybe I’ll…
I slip my hand past my swollen belly and grasp my cock, slowly rocking my hand up and down its length. I’m so incredibly hard, and the next contraction makes my dick throb so strongly it feels like I could smash a brick in half with it. Ithurts, but it feels so good. My head isswimmingright now. It’s like I’ve just snorted a line of pure endorphins.
Warmth spreads across my cock as Kalistratos slowly pours the oil over it, coating my hand and my shaft. My fist glides easily from base to tip, and I arc my palm around the firm pink knob of my cockhead. Another trembling surge moves through me, and I moan as Kalistratos caresses my nipple with his lips, flicking his tongue back and forth against the tender bud.
Oh shit.
I keep my rhythm steady, three strokes per breath, taking care to milk my full length. I can feel my body’s motions now. The blurred chaos from earlier has now fallen into focus, like twisting the dial on a radio to just the right station. I feel the contractions coming. The pleasure of Kalistratos’s tongue and the pump of my hand on my cock greets the pain. I’m loopy as fuck but I’m actually enjoying this. I’ve never felt so in tune with my own body. No, it’s more than just my body. It feels like I’m in tune with mybeing.
With this little break in the storm, I’m suddenly able to appreciate what I’m going through. It’s incredible. I’m amangetting to experience the miracle of giving birth. Sure, it’s normal here, but I’m the only Earth guy to ever know what it’s like.
My strokes roll faster, and like he can read my mind, Kalistratos comes up to kiss me again. I meet his tongue with mine, groaning as my aching cock tightens in my grasp with the clench of my coming orgasm.
It seizes me like a fist, smashing together with a massive contraction that has me screaming. What an insane feeling. It’slike I’m being wrung out like a wet towel. My cock is throbbing fast, spurting out what feels like the entire contents of my balls, and I can feel the baby—no, theegg—moving through me.
The good orgasm vibes quickly get overtaken, and I’m instupidpain again, crying out and clutching Kalistratos’s arm as wave after wave of contractions crashes through me.
“Steady breaths,” Kalistratos tells me before turning and shouting to the doorway. “ZONA!”
She and the twins are back. They help me back up onto the bench. I grasp the handles and fuckingpushwith everything I have.
It’s different this time. I can feel it coming like an obstacle has been removed and the brakes have been released.
Oh myGod.
It’s not magical at all, it just feels like the biggest shit in the universe is making its way out of my asshole and I’m just sorry that everyone here needs to bear witness to it.
I can’t see anything, but Kalistratos is staring with eyes as big as baseballs, and his face has gone a little pale.
“Keep going, you’re doing it, Tyler,” he says. “You’re almost there.”
“That’s it,” Zona urges. “Very good, very good!”
I’m being drawn and quartered. Ripped in two. Atomic fission.
Kalistratos and Zona are both yelling at me to push. I see Xanthos and Xanthe rush forward with a large wicker basket piled high with straw.
And then, finally, relief.
Kalistratos is there to catch me as I release the handles and slump backward. I’m not entirely there. I feel like a feather, drifting down through the air to the nest.
“How did I do?” I ask him, my voice hoarse and raspy. My throat is parched.
He brings me water and wipes the sweat from my face as I drink deeply. My vision returns to focus, and I see his eyes are misty with tears.
“What is that?” I ask dumbly.
He quickly pushes his palm against his eyes and looks away with an embarrassed smile. “It’s called crying, It happens sometimes when you witness something amazing.”
I chuckle softly and brush away a stray tear clinging to his chin.
Zona is cleaning her hands in a basin of steaming water. “Let me grab a flask,” she jokes. “You know, it’s said phoenix tears have the power to cure any ailment.”