Page 114 of Be More Lucy
‘In a way. I think it’s rather swanky, anyway.’
The car got to the outskirts of Dashford and turned up the hill towards the cliff-top road.
‘This is the way to our house.’ Em looked at Jack quizzically.
‘No fooling you.’ He laughed.
What had he been up to? There was no way Octopus Cottage was habitable enough to spend the night there, but a few minutes later, that’s where the driver pulled up. A string of brightly glowing bulbs led from the gate to the front door, and the lights were on in the hall. It all looked very inviting.
‘Wait there a minute,’ said Jack as they got out of the car.
He took the overnight bag from the driver, opened the front door and put it inside.
‘Right, Mrs Carver, your turn now.’ He scooped Em up in his arms and walked towards the door.
‘It’s warm!’ Em said as he set her down in the hallway. ‘What witchcraft is this? It’s never been warm in here.’
‘The replacement part for the boiler finally turned up, so the plumber fixed the heating and the hot water yesterday.’
There were fairy lights up the stairs.
‘Are these the ones you bought for our proposal? I thought you said they’d stopped working.’
‘I didn’t want you to snaffling them for the marquee. I’m afraid you’re going to have to walk upstairs. I’m not sure I can manage to carry you all the way up to bed.’
Em grinned at him. ‘You poor old thing.’
She walked up the stairs with Jack following her. She stopped outside their bedroom door.
‘You can go in,’ he said.
Fresh rose petals were strewn across the bed. Something caught her eye over by the window. A rolltop bath, positioned so whoever was relaxing in the water could look out over the bay.
Em gasped. ‘I thought we couldn’t afford that?’
‘The plumber wasn’t completely sure he could do it so I might have fiddled the spreadsheet to make you think it was beyond our budget. Pleased?’
‘Delighted. Does that mean we can move in now?’
‘I don’t see why not. But before we worry about that, we need to christen our new bed,’ he said, gently pushing her back onto the duvet.
‘I love you, Professor Carver.’
‘I love you too, Mrs Carver.’
‘Hey, sleepyhead,’ Mark whispered in Lucy’s ear.
‘What time is it?’ she asked, snuggling up closer to him.
‘Time we got up.’
‘Do we have to?’ She could happily stay here in his arms all morning.
‘Unfortunately, yes. We’re supposed to be having a tour of the new Carver mansion this morning. And I’ve got a plane to catch.’
‘Aren’t you staying here for Christmas?’