Page 28 of Be More Lucy
‘I enjoyed it, so it would be handy to know what gets you in the mood for snogging me.’
‘It might have been seeing your hair shining in the evening light, the wonder in your eyes as you watched the sunlight sparkling on the sea, or the fact that I’m hungry and I don’t want to stand around for ages while you take lots of photos.’
‘I wish I hadn’t asked now,’ Em laughed.
‘Get a room.’ Mary, the local beach cafe owner, was walking towards them, smiling. ‘I haven’t had a chance to say congratulations on your engagement. I wish you a long and happy life together.’ How had she heard about them getting engaged already?
‘Thank you,’ Jack said.
‘It must be very cosy with the two of you in your little flat, Em.’
‘We’re going to start looking for somewhere bigger in the autumn.’ Em said.
‘Extra bedrooms for guests or little ones?’ Mary raised her eyebrows quizzically.
Jack gave Em the “Do not tell her anything else” look.
Mary leaned in conspiratorially. ‘I’ve heard Eddie Earle’s family are going to be putting his house up for sale, now he’s moved into the old folks home. It needs a lot doing to it, but it’s in a beautiful spot. It’s a big plot as well. You’d have room to extend and still have a big enough garden for children to run around in.’ She pointed up to the row of Victorian houses towards the top of the cliff. ‘It’s the big one on the end. I can put you in touch with his daughter if you want to get in before everyone else. You know how difficult it is to buy property here. ’
Jack looked thoughtful, but Em was keen not to get stuck in a conversation about their plans. Mary was a terrible gossip. The whole village would know anything they told her within 24 hours. ‘Thanks so much, but we’ve got to dash. We’ve got a table booked at the pub, and we’re late already.’
‘No problem. Just say if you want me to introduce you.’ Mary waved as she headed towards the main street.
Jack looked thoughtful as they continued walking to the pub. ‘Mary’s right about it being hard to buy property in Dashford.’
‘I know. Anything the slightest bit habitable disappears off the sales listings within a few days.’
‘So shall we follow up on that house she mentioned? The location’s ideal.’ He looked up at the cliff.
It was perfectly placed. The views would be spectacular. Em would have no shortage of inspiration for her paintings living there. ‘We’ve got to do something. There are only so many times I can trip over that pile of books you’ve left by our bedroom door before I get pissed off.’
Jack grinned. ‘I’ll pop in to see Mary in the morning.’
It was Em’s turn to be eager to get an update on Lucy’s love life for a change. After all, as Lucy put it, Em was all sorted now. As soon as Jack went out for an evening run, Em grabbed a cup of tea, made herself comfortable on the sofa and FaceTimed Lucy. ‘How did your date go yesterday?’
‘Apart from the fact he didn’t turn up?’
Em was confused. Lucy had a great big grin on her face. She didn’t look like someone who’d been stood up. ‘Why are you looking so happy?’
’Because someone else was there, waiting for his online date, and she didn’t turn up either. We had a coffee together.’
‘What’s he like?’
‘Attractive. Laughed at my jokes. Asked about me. Didn’t bore me about his extensive train collection.’
‘He has a train collection?’
‘Hopefully not. I’m just comparing him to my previous failures. There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with him.’
It sounded like Lucy had had struck lucky for a change. It was the happiest Em had seen her in a long time. ‘What’s he called?’
‘Josh. He’s working at the uni for a few months. He usually lives in Cheshire.’
‘What does he do?’
‘He’s a car designer.’