Page 31 of Be More Lucy
‘I’ll put Mark plus one. Ella … Sam … Nancy. Who else?’
‘Parents?’ Jack suggested.
‘My dad, Cynthia, your mum. What about your dad?’
Jack went quiet. He’d been cagey about how his father had reacted to the news of Jack and Em’s engagement when he’d phoned him earlier. His mother had been delighted, but Jack’s father lived in France, and they rarely saw one another. Em still hadn’t met him in person. Whenever Em suggested they visit, Jack said he hadn’t got time for a trip.
‘I suppose we’ll have to invite him and Catherine.’
‘You don’t sound too keen. I thought we were only going to ask people we actually wanted there. ’
‘I’m not keen, but I wouldn’t feel happy excluding them.’ Jack looked deep in thought.
‘Are you going to tell me what he said?’
Jack sighed. ‘He said I was on the rebound. I should enjoy my newfound freedom after the divorce and sow a few wild oats. Not get hitched to someone else so quickly.’
No wonder Jack had kept quiet.
‘And do you think he’s right?’ Em asked.
‘Of course not! I wouldn’t be lying here next to you discussing our wedding if I did.’
‘Was he happy about you marrying Isabella?’
‘Yes, he was fine with the idea of her as a daughter-in-law.’
‘So it’s just a Brummie artist who’s not good enough for Peter Carver’s son?’
‘No, it’s not that. He hasn’t even met you yet.’
‘But your ex was Lady Isabella, and I’m just plain old Em.’
Jack pulled her in close. ‘Don’t do yourself down. You’re worth a million Isabellas - never forget that. It says more about what he thinks of marriage than anything else.’
‘But he’s been married twice?’
‘No. Only once. My sister and I refer to Catherine as our stepmother, but technically, she isn’t. My mother is the only person to get him to walk up the aisle so far. He’s shown little interest in me since I was born, so why should I care what he thinks?’
‘But I sense you do care.’
Jack sighed. ‘I try not to. At least he’s taught me how not to behave towards a son. I won’t treat our children like that if we’re lucky enough to have any.’
He looked sad. Em put her phone down and wrapped her arms around him. ‘Shall we finish this later?’
‘Perhaps we should stick to discussing your rolltop bath idea.’ He grinned at her.
‘I thought you’d never ask,’ she said, reaching over to grab her interior design magazine from the bedside table.
Mary had put Jack in touch with Eddie Earle’s daughter, Kerry. And now Em and Jack were carefully picked their way through the overgrown garden to the front door of his house.
‘Good omen,’ said Jack, nodding towards the door.
‘What do you mean? Oh!’ Em spotted the brass door knocker in the shape of an octopus.
‘I think you should knock as it’s your lucky symbol,’ Jack said.