Page 39 of Be More Lucy
Mark looked like he was about to say something, but Lucy had waited months to have this conversation. She was going to get her full story out first, whether he liked it or not. ‘I waited. And lo and behold, five minutes later, a tall olive-skinned beauty walks up to your door, jangling her keys. I thought, “Don’t jump to conclusions, Lucy”. So I said hello and that I was looking for you. She said you wouldn’t be home till the evening.’
Mark looked stunned. Lucy carried on. ‘I could see what you saw in her, what with her amazing looks and that sexy Spanish accent. But just in case I was still mistaken, I asked her outright. Are you and Mark seeing one another? And she said yes! You had been all summer. ALL SUMMER. So you were together with her when we first met. You told me a blatant lie, Mark Farnham. You said you were single.’
Mark looked downcast. ‘It was an Italian accent,’ he said quietly. ‘That was Gabriella. She is not and never has been my girlfriend.’
Lucy was angry again now. ‘So you’re not a liar, but your neighbour is, and so is this Gabriella woman. Is that what you’re saying? Don’t insult me by carrying on with this complete fabrication. There’s no point. We’re never getting back together. Show me some respect by telling me the truth.‘
‘Gabriella’s my sister.’
‘Sister? She looks nothing like you. We’re here in your childhood home with no evidence of you having a bloody sister. Nancy even said to me once that Em was like the daughter she never had.‘
‘Keep your voice down. Mum’s not her mother. Gabriella is my half-sister. Mum doesn’t know she exists. I didn’t know she existed until last year.’
‘Well, that’s bloody convenient. You pass off your girlfriend as a sister, but I can’t confirm that with anyone. So why did she say she was seeing you if she’s your sister?’
‘Because she saw me every day, I guess. She was sharing my house. She’s not a native English speaker. I suppose she didn’t understand the subtle difference between seeing me and seeing me’, he said, using air quotes around the final seeing me.
‘OK, let’s carry on with your interesting story. If she is your sister, why didn’t you ever mentioned her?’
‘She never came up in conversation. She was lodging with me while she was improving her Spanish. I didn’t see a lot of her. I guess I was used to not mentioning her to anyone who knows Mum in case it got back to her. I would have told you eventually, I’m sure.’
Lucy shook her head. ‘Mark, please just be a man and own up. I’d think better of you if you did.’
‘But Luce, it’s the truth. I swear.’
‘On your fictional sister’s life, no doubt. Please get out.’
Lucy got off the bed, marched over to the door and opened it. ‘Get. Out.’
He did as he was told. She slammed the door behind him and flopped down on the bed. Did Mark honestly think she would fall for that load of crap?!
Em’s phone buzzed on her bedside table.
‘Leave it. It can wait till morning.’ Jack murmured in Em’s ear, pulling her closer to him in bed.
‘I won’t be able to sleep if I don’t answer it. What if Dad’s ill? Or Nancy needs help?’
‘Nancy never needs help.’
‘One day she might, and what if today’s the day?’ Em picked up her phone. A text from Lucy.
‘It’s really odd.’ She showed Jack the message.
Pls ask J if M has a half-sister.
‘Does he?’
Jack looked uncomfortable. ‘I’m not supposed to say.’
‘So that’s a “Yes” then?’
‘Mark asked me not to tell anyone. His father worked in Rome for six months back in the late nineties. And we all know what Xander was like. He needed a woman to keep him company. Gabriella was the result.’
‘Nancy’s never mentioned it.’
‘She doesn’t know. The only other Farnham in on the secret is Nigel. He’s been helping Gabriella out with her university fees.
‘She’s definitely Xander’s daughter?’