Page 42 of Be More Lucy
‘But Hannah’s not here now, is she? She couldn’t be bothered to make the trip over from Spain.’
‘I told you - she’s working. I know you don’t like her, but Mark does.’
‘I take it Mark’s awake as you were texting him.’ Em said. ‘Are you going to invite him over here, or shall I?’
‘It’s going to be a bit cosy here with all four of us eating around our tiny table. Why don’t we go over to the main house and have our breakfast there?’
‘Lucy can’t apologise about Gabriella with Nancy potentially in earshot,’ Em whispered. ‘We’ll make an excuse to leave the two of them alone.’
Jack sighed. ‘Ok then. In the interests of world peace.’
He texted Mark.
Breakfast at ours?
Five minutes later, Jack was welcoming Mark into the flat.
‘That was perfect timing. Mum was grilling me about what Lucy and I were arguing about last night.’ His expression clouded over when he saw Lucy. ‘Ready to have another go at me?’
Lucy didn’t respond.
‘We just need to pop out to get some black pudding,’ Em said, ushering Jack out the door.
There was an awkward silence after Em shut the front door.
‘I can’t stand black pudding, can you?’ Mark said.
‘I like it, actually, but then you’d say it was a northern thing.’
‘Oh good god, we’re not revisiting the whole “You think I’m Northern, but I’m really from the Midlands, you soft southern bastard” routine, are we?’ Mark looked exasperated.
Lucy bit her lip.Why did you dig that old chestnut up again, Lucy Thomas? You’re the one who needs to say sorry.She took a deep breath.
‘I just wanted …’ They both spoke at the same time.
‘Ladies first.’ Mark sat down on the chair opposite Lucy.
‘I am sorry I didn’t believe you last night.’
‘And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Gabriella.’ Mark looked directly at her. ‘I was in love with you. I didn’t want anyone else.’
Lucy noted the past tense.And you’re still in love with him,her inner voice helpfully pointed out.
‘Too late now,’ she said aloud.
‘Yes. As you said last night, we’ve both moved on.’ Mark was holding her gaze as he said it. She visualised walking over to him and giving him the longest, sexiest kiss.
‘Shall we bury the hatchet?’ he asked. ‘Preferably not in my back?’
‘That would be good.’ Lucy said.
They both stood up. Mark walked over to Lucy and hugged her. ‘No hard feelings,’ she said.
Mark pulled away from her slightly, looking flustered. ‘No hard feelings. Not that sort anyway.’
Two hours later, Em was driving Lucy to Exeter for their shopping trip while Jack took Mark back to the airport.