Page 54 of Be More Lucy
‘Too old to stand up then,’ Josh muttered.
Lucy scowled at him. ‘I thought you were going to behave,’ she whispered.
‘Sorry! It slipped out.’ He didn’t look that sorry.
‘Come on. We’re going to miss the first song at this rate.’ Jack led the way up the steps.
They found their seats just in time.
About three songs in, Lucy felt her phone buzz in the pocket of her jeans. A text from Em. Why was she texting when Lucy was standing next to her?
Josh not a Muse fan then?
Lucy replied.
He said he liked them.
Em nudged her. Josh was texting.
Another text from Em.
He’s been doing that since we got here.
Lucy leaned into Josh and slipped her hand through his arm. He clicked the screen off on his phone. Interesting that he didn’t want her to see what he’d been texting.
Lucy looked along the row at the rest of their party.
Jack and Mark were next to one another, singing along. Hannah was at the opposite end of their group, leaning forward to look around Mark towards Josh.
Em texted Lucy again
Hannah’s been texting too
I can’t see who or what Josh is texting.
Are they texting each other?
Let’s watch.
Josh started typing again. She saw him put his phone down. Hannah checked her phone and started typing. The pattern repeated several times. Josh always had a slight smile each time he read a new text.
Another text from Em:
They are!
She’d added a scream emoji.
Time to ask Josh what he was up to. Lucy to Josh:
Not enjoying the concert?
Lucy glanced across at him. She could see him read a text, but he didn’t smile this time.