Page 67 of Be More Lucy
‘It’s going well.’
‘Which means?’
‘It’s just like when we were together last year, but without the sex.‘ She sounded disappointed.
‘At least you’re taking it slow.’
‘Sort of. He’s invited me over to Spain for the weekend.’
‘That’s great. You’ll still get some decent sun in September. Better than the biting wind we’ve got here.’
‘For god’s sake, Em. The weather is the last thing on my mind!’
‘I don’t see the problem. You get on so well. Just enjoy it.’
‘While it lasts? That’s how that phrase usually ends.’
‘I didn’t say that. I hope it will last.’
‘I don’t want to screw things up.’
‘How would you do that?’
‘What if I can’t stick to the friends-only rule when I see him in person, and it ruins everything?’
‘He might not want to stick to being friends when he sees you either.’
‘I’m hoping not. But if he does want more, I don’t know how it would work long-term with him in Spain and me here.’
‘Other people manage long-distance relationships. Jack and I had to cope with living 200 miles apart for months. I know he wasn’t in another country, but he was a five-hour drive away. You can probably fly to see Mark quicker than either of us could drive up and down the M4.’
’I guess.’
‘You’re doing that overthinking thing you do when you’re about to go on a first date. But it’s not a first date. You both know each other already. Go and enjoy his company.’
‘Hmm.’ Lucy went quiet.
‘Were you hoping I’d say something else?’
‘I was hoping Jack might have said something. If I had a clue how Mark really feels, it would help. You couldn’t ask Jack to sound him out, could you?’
‘He hasn’t mentioned anything. They talk about all sorts of weird stuff. I don’t think they discuss emotions unless one of them is seriously upset.’
‘Ok.’ For someone who was about to spend a weekend with the love of her life, she still sounded depressed.
‘I’ll ask Jack if he’ll sound Mark out.’
‘You’re late.’ Em was in the kitchen looking at the instructions on a microwave lasagne.
‘I got stuck in traffic.’ Jack slipped his arms around her waist and kissed her. ‘I’m starving. I had to skip lunch. Is that what we’re having for dinner?’ He frowned.
‘If I’m cooking, yes.’
He let her go and headed to the fridge. ‘I could whip up a carbonara instead?’ he said, grabbing a pack of bacon.
‘If you insist.’ The threat of a ready meal usually prompted him to offer to cook.