Page 7 of Be More Lucy
‘I’m fine here, thanks. Far be it from me to stand in the way of love’s young dream,’ she said, nodding at Ella’s gran.
‘Ella, turn your back on the guests.’ The DJ instructed. ‘Right, everyone, we’re going to do a countdown. 3 … 2 … 1 …’
Ella threw the bouquet over her shoulder.
Ella’s gran had seriously miscalculated. The bouquet flew over her head straight towards Em. Em instinctively raised her hands to catch it just as Rosie hoisted Rachel in the air like a forward in a rugby lineout. Rachel lurched in front of Em, snatching the flowers in mid-air.
There was a loud gasp from the wedding guests as Rosie overbalanced and fell towards the dance floor, taking her sister and two other women down with her.
Undeterred, Rachel emerged victorious from the pile of polyester and stilettos, brandishing the bouquet, a small trickle of blood making its way from her left nostril. Rachel’s boyfriend looked terrified and scuttled off towards the garden.
‘I think we need VAR,’ the DJ announced to the stunned onlookers.
Em relaxed in Jack’s arms as they slowly moved around the dance floor, swaying to the soothing sounds of Adele. The taxi would be here soon. Then they could head back to her dad’s for the night. By this time tomorrow, they’d be back home in North Devon, far away from Connor.
‘Have you enjoyed today?’ Jack murmured in Em’s ear.
‘More than I thought I would.’ She nestled closer into him.
‘I thought you were robbed earlier.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘The bouquet throw. It was heading straight for you. I’m sure Rachel’s technique is against the rules.’
Em chuckled. ‘I’m not bothered. It’s all superstition.’
‘Do you think we should be next?’
What had he just said? Em tensed. ‘Next for what?’
‘To get married. I want to marry you.’
Why was he saying that now? In Em’s head, this was a conversation they should be having in a couple of years’ time, not today. ‘Let’s go outside. We can’t talk properly here,’ she said.
She led Jack out onto the empty terrace. The cold night air made her shiver as it hit her bare shoulders. He put his arms around her and pulled her in close. ‘Emily Gillespie, will you marry me?’
Em gulped. A panicky feeling started in her stomach, and she felt her chest muscles tense. Just concentrate on breathing.
‘Are you ok?’
She nodded. ‘Jack, I love you, and I don’t want to be with anyone else. But after Connor cheated on me and the nightmare you had with Isabella, I thought we’d agreed we would keep our relationship informal for now?’
‘I know we said that. But that was months ago. I’m sure we’re right for each other. I’d like to show the world how serious we are. I saw the way Connor looked at you today.’ His expression clouded over.
‘I’m not going back to Connor. Not ever. Why would you think I would? We agreed we were going to buy a house together. Isn’t that a big enough commitment to one another?’
‘No,’ Jack looked exasperated. ‘It’s not the same.’
‘But what if getting married makes you feel trapped?’
‘I’m not Connor. I’m not going to go looking for love elsewhere. You’re the only woman I want. I’m absolutely sure. I wouldn’t be asking you if I wasn’t.’
He wasn’t budging. She turned away. ‘I really do love you, but please don’t pressure me.’
He let her go and stood back, looking disappointed. ‘I’m not going to beg you, but if you change your mind, let me know.’