Page 74 of Be More Lucy
He lay on his back, looking at the ceiling.
‘It’s simple really. I haven’t prioritised the women in my life. That’s why Hannah left. It’s why they always leave. When I was a solicitor, I was expected to work long hours. So there were lots of missed dates, and girlfriends sat at home feeling neglected. And then, after Isabella, I didn’t trust my instincts about women. So I carried on neglecting them even when I had a job that meant I didn’t have to. Not a recipe for long-lasting happiness either.‘
Em had told Lucy ages ago about Mark sleeping with Jack’s wife. ‘I thought you and Isabella were a one-night stand?’
‘We were, but we’d been having an emotional affair for weeks. Well, I thought we were. It turned out she was manipulating me. She completely fooled me.’ He looked at Lucy again. ‘I’m not proud of any of that. It really hurt Jack. Who does that to their best friend? But I thought I loved her so much it was worth it.’
‘So you’re going to have a lonely life too.’
‘Yes. We’ve both got to change our ways.’
He was looking at her intently now. ‘I did prioritise you above work last year. I wanted to. I thought I’d found someone I could trust again. That’s why I was so hurt when you ghosted me.’
‘I’m sorry. Are you willing to give me a second chance?’
He leaned in and kissed her. A long, slow, gentle kiss that made her whole body come alive again.
‘Was that a yes?’ she asked.
‘Of course, it was.’
Em walked into the kitchen in Dashford Grange. She made a mug of Earl Grey, grabbed a biscuit from the tin, and sat down next to the Aga. The next guests were due to arrive for another half an hour. Time to catch up with Lucy. She got out her phone and sent a text:
How’s Nerja?
Lucy replied immediately.
And how’s Mark?
She’d added a wink emoji. It looked like Lucy’s visit was going well.
How long did his resolve to be just good friends last?
2 hours
I’m surprised he resisted you that long.
The first hour was in the car on the way from the airport. Limited scope for serious flirting. Got to run. We’re going paragliding.
I thought you said you’d never do that.