Page 79 of Be More Lucy
Stop being maudlin. Phone him.She checked the clock. It would be 7.30 pm in Nerja now. Mark should be back in his apartment. He might be in the mood for a chat or perhaps more. She picked up her mobile and called his number.
Mark answered straightaway.
‘Hey sexy,’ she said, putting on her best sultry voice.
‘Happy birthday, darling,’ he said.
At least that’s what she thought he said. It was difficult to be 100% certain because the traffic noise in the background was unusually loud.
‘Where are you?’ she asked.
‘Um. Just walking along the road.’
‘I didn’t think any road in Nerja was that noisy?’
‘Um. I’m in town.’
‘Malaga? What are you doing there?’ Mark had told her he didn’t often venture into the city. He preferred the relative peace and quiet of Nerja.
‘I’m visiting a friend.’
‘Ooh, which one? Have I met them?’
‘Yes, you know them quite well. Look, I’m going to have to go. Speak to you later.’
He cut off the call before she had a chance to say goodbye.
“You know them quite well.” The phrase was playing on repeat in her head. Lucy didn’t know anyone in Spain quite well, apart from Mark, of course. The only other person she knew, even vaguely over there, was Hannah. Mark had mentioned she’d moved to Malaga. Could that be why he was being cagey?
Shit. She wished she’d never phoned him.Don’t be ridiculous - it’s better to know the truth.
She phoned Em instead. ‘I think Mark’s cheating on me with Hannah.’
‘And good evening to you, too! Why on earth would he do that?’
Why would he do that? ‘Probably to have someone to fuck during the week until I obligingly fly over to serve his sexual needs at the weekends.’
‘How many proseccos have you had?’
‘Just two. What’s that got to with anything?’ Em wasn’t usually that interested in Lucy’s drinking habits.
‘And have you eaten anything this evening?’
‘No. Why is my level of food intake suddenly important?’
‘You do have a tendency to get paranoid on prosecco, particularly on an empty stomach.’
‘I do not!’ Lucy was indigent. ‘What are you trying to imply?’
‘See what I mean!’
‘No, I don’t.’
‘Ok then. What about that poor woman you accused of stealing your coat in that pub we went to last year until Charlotte reminded you that you’d left your coat at home.’
‘Hmm.’ Lucy sighed. ‘I’m just feeling down because I’m on my own on my birthday. ‘
‘I’m sorry. Happy Birthday, by the way.’