Page 86 of Be More Lucy
‘Oh no! I cringe seeing myself on screen.’
‘I’m not going to make you watch it. Just one last piece to camera, and we are done for the day.’
‘Which one’s that?’
‘You’re talking to camera, contrasting a female pirate’s life to a sailor of today. We’re going to record that with the beach in the background.’
The crew started moving their equipment.
‘Jack, I feel really nervous. It’s one thing them filming us having a chat. This is more like a performance.’
‘Just imagine you’re talking to me like you did earlier.’ Jack hugged her.
‘But you know all this stuff, why would I be explaining it to you?’
‘Imagine you’re explaining it to Lucy then.’
‘She’d be taking the piss out of me.’
‘Nancy then. Nancy would listen attentively.’
‘Ok. Nancy.’ She could see Jack was starting to get exasperated.
‘Don’t overthink it. Take a deep breath. You can do this.’ He pulled her in closer. ‘If you get this right, we’ll be able to work together again,’ he whispered in her ear.
‘I thought you were supposed to be encouraging me.’ She laughed nervously.
‘Charming. At least you’ve relaxed now.’ He kissed her.
There was a cough behind them. Angie, looking annoyed. ‘Can you keep your hands off the talent? I need to touch up Em’s lips now.’
‘You’re doing great,’ Angie said as she applied a fresh coat of lipstick.
Jack had moved behind the camera.
‘Action!’ Ian shouted.
‘As you’ve heard already, women pirates in the 17th and 18th centuries were treated no better than their male counterparts.’
She continued with Jack’s script. Somehow, the adrenaline rush helped her do a faultless first take. The crew gave her a round of applause, relieved to be finished for the day.
‘Excellent. You’re a natural.’ Ian patted her on the back. ‘Now all I have to worry about is breaking the news to Clara.’
‘I’ve got the job then?’
‘You most certainly have.’
Tuesday evening. Lucy was relaxing with a glass of wine after a particularly stressful day arguing about the best way to market her toilet seat client’s latest innovation, the vibrating loo seat. She’d declined an offer to try one out at home. This account wasn’t working out quite how she’d planned, but she couldn’t afford to say goodbye to them just yet.
She massaged her neck, trying to ease the tension in her muscles. Perhaps the vibrating loo seat would have helped with that. They’d probably have more success marketing it as a neck massager or a sex aid.
But what she needed was to come home to Mark in person. She imagined his strong fingers gently working on the knots in her neck muscles. A few more weeks, and that ought to be happening for real.
Her phone rang. Talk of the devil.
‘Luce.’ Mark sounded so deflated.