Page 91 of Be More Lucy
‘I’m going to have to get used to it. I’m friends with you. Mark’s friends with Jack. Our paths are going to keep crossing.’ She opened the car door. ‘I better get going before Nancy sees me.’
Em waved her off.
It was odd that Nancy hadn’t popped over. She usually saw everything that was going on at Dashford Grange. She must know something.
Em had admin work to do this morning. She went over to the kitchen. Nancy was already there drinking a cup of tea. ‘I’ve just made a pot of Earl Grey. Do you want one?’
‘Thanks, I’ll pour it.’
‘Was that Lucy’s car in the courtyard?’ Nancy had seen it then.
‘Yes. She popped in to see me and Jack.’
‘You don’t have to be cagey. Mark’s told about Hannah and the baby.’
‘Are you looking forward to being a grandmother again?’
‘I should be, though why both my sons have to reproduce with women who don’t live anywhere near me, I don’t know. But I can’t help feeling that something’s not right with this.’
‘In what way?’
‘Hannah was unhappy enough with Mark to leave him. But now she’s in a bind, she decides he’s good enough to live with. You know me. I’m usually an optimist, make the best of everything and all that. But I can’t see it working out well. “You’ll do” isn’t the basis for a happy relationship. How is Lucy taking it?’
‘As you’d expect. It’s a difficult thing to bounce back from. She thinks the world of Mark. I think he’s the first man she’s truly loved. For a long time anyway.’
‘Poor girl.’ Nancy tidied the tea things away. ‘But neither of us can do anything about it. We just have to be there for both of them and pick up the pieces later.’
Jack and Em had finished their final day’s filming yesterday in Malaga and were tacking on an extra day to their Spanish trip to catch up with Mark and Hannah in Nerja. Mark topped up Em’s glass of wine as they sat on his terrace, watching the sunset.
‘So you’re going to be a TV star?’ Mark smiled at Em.
‘I wouldn’t say that,’ she blushed.
‘I’m sure the marketing team are going to capitalise on us being husband and wife,’ Jack said.
‘Mr & Mrs History?’ suggested Mark.
‘Except we’re not yet,’ Em said.
‘We will be by the time it’s aired.’ Jack grinned.
Em frowned. The scheduled broadcast date was April next year. As far as everyone else knew, they weren’t getting married until May. She gave Jack her best “shut the fuck up” look.
‘Did you enjoy being in front of the camera?’ asked Hannah, who seemed willing to engage with Em as an equal this time.
‘Yes, I did in the end. It was a shock initially, being put on the spot. But I’m glad it happened that way because I would’ve said no if I’d had time to think about it. And it was lovely to be with Jack, of course.’
‘So working together can be fun,’ Hannah said pointedly.
‘That’s a dig at me,’ Mark grinned. ‘We’re thinking of setting up a holiday let business, but I said I wasn’t sure working together as a couple was a good idea.’
‘Would you keep the jet ski business as well?’ Jack said. ‘I’m not sure Em and I would survive working together 100% of the time.’
‘No, I’ve had enough of jet skis. I’ve agreed to sell it to the guy who owns the bar next door. Once the paperwork’s all sorted, it will be all his. Time to move on.’ Mark swirled the ice around in his drink thoughtfully.
‘I’m going to bed now, darling,’ Hannah got up and kissed Mark on the cheek. She turned to Jack and Em. ‘Sorry to be anti-social. I’m feeling so tired these days. Pregnancy is exhausting. Good night.’