Page 93 of Be More Lucy
Em laughed. ‘Strictly speaking, it was an ape.‘
‘Does it matter? The poor thing still ended up with a swollen eye from her bloody great diamond ring. So come on, what happened? Any new bruised and battered mammals to report?’
‘Clara had flu, so I never even saw her, and neither did Jack.’ Lucy was relieved. She didn’t want Em to lose her partner to his annoying ex as well.
‘So Jack’s presenting on his own again?’
‘Not exactly.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘I joined him on camera.’
‘Seriously? OMG, you’re going to be famous again!’
‘I’m not sure I was famous the first time.’
‘You were on telly. We can’t have been the only people that watched. Am I going to have to book an appointment a year in advance to see you from now on?’
‘Not quite. Though I do have my own agent now. She’s Jack’s agent as well. She’s seen some clips and thinks I may be able to get other presenting work.’
‘Wow! Will I be able to come with you to the BAFTAs?’
‘I don’t think we’re in that territory yet.’
‘How was it in Italy and Spain?’
‘Nice and warm. The hotels were OK. You can tell it’s not a big budget production, but they were clean and comfortable.’
Lucy took a deep breath. ‘Did you see Mark?’
Em hesitated.
‘You did then. How is he? And Hannah?’ It sounded less desperate if she asked about Hannah as well.
‘They’re fine. Working out how to live together.’
It was an odd way to put it. Still, what did she know? She hadn’t properly lived with anyone since she’d left her flatshare five years ago. But it did mean Mark and Hannah were still together.How evil are you for hoping they had broken up?
‘Are you still there?’ Em asked.
‘Yes, just thinking. I’ve got a report to finish for tomorrow. I better go. I’m glad the filming worked out so well. Speak soon.’
Part Three
December 2019
Lucy’s hairdresser, Poppy, was mixing the dye for Lucy’s new highlights. ‘Are you sure about this? Red’s a drastic change. It will look fabulous though. Very Christmassy.’
‘I’m absolutely sure. I need a new look. New everything. I’m in a rut. I want to knock ‘em dead at Jack and Em’s engagement party.’
‘Anyone you’ve particularly got your eye on?’
‘Not after Mark, no.’ Lucy sighed. She’d stuck to her plan of not dating anyone since Mark had gone back to Hannah, but the novelty of not having to epilate her legs on a regular basis had worn off now. She was bored of being single, and she wasn’t looking forward to spending Christmas on her own. Her original plan had been to go to Italy to visit her parents, but her mother had scuppered that when she announced they were going on a last-minute trip to Goa. ‘I’m sure Em will take you in, sweetheart,’ Lucy’s mother had said.
Em would probably take pity on her and invite her round to Roger and Cynthia’s for Boxing Day, but Christmas Day was going to be a dud this year.