Page 13 of Be Less Panda
‘She could be giving them personal book recommendations, or Tarot readings or something else innocent?’
‘I wondered that. But that time I went into the office, I heard strange moaning noises coming from upstairs. And when Madame Dubois reappeared after that client left, she was wearing a completely different outfit to the one she had on before. Plus, we only had three people buy books today. The takings wouldn’t have covered mine and Philip’s salaries, let alone the cost of running the shop and feeding and clothing Madame Dubois.’
‘Perhaps Tuesday is a quiet day.’
‘Possibly. I’ll let you know what happens tomorrow.’
Olivia drummed her fingers on the arm of the chair.
‘You look worried,’ Nancy said.
‘I’m wondering how my father knows her now.’
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at the bookshop continued in much the same vein as Tuesday: two or three male visitors for Madame Dubois each day and only a few book sales, though the shop had been busier with more customers coming in to browse. Nancy tried to quiz Philip on what he knew about Madame Dubois’s gentlemen callers, but he kept changing the subject. Perhaps he didn’t know any more than she did, or he did know and didn’t want it to put her off. If Nancy’s theory was correct, it might explain the high staff turnover.
Philip told her that he always took Saturdays off, which meant Nancy would have a new colleague tomorrow - someone called Carol, who Philip said came from Manchester and was studying French literature at the Sorbonne for a year. She hoped Carol might be more talkative on the subject of the mysterious men.
Olivia arrived home from work on Friday evening, clutching a bulging carrier bag with a baguette sticking out of the top.
‘We have got a party to go to tonight,’ she announced as she took her key out of the lock.
Nancy perked up. Nice as Philip and Madame Dubois were, she could do with some social interaction with other people. ‘Where is it?’
‘At Christa and Ingrid’s. They live across the road. They’re German translators in the office next door to me. I think you’ll like them. I’ve been to their parties before. They usually invite a good mix of interesting people. That’s where I met Pierre. He’ll be there this evening.’
‘Count me in.’ Nancy was intrigued by Olivia’s latest boyfriend. She’d not mentioned him in her letters. From the little she’d said since Nancy had arrived, they’d only started seeing one another a few weeks ago. He was about 30 years old and some sort of artist - not Olivia’s usual professional type at all. He’d been away all week, so tonight would be Nancy’s first opportunity to meet him.
‘Excellent!’ Olivia said. ‘We might find a Billy replacement for you.’
That might be a bonus. Nancy’s resolve to remain single in Paris was starting to waiver. But based on this week’s bookshop clientele, Nancy wasn’t going to find a new lover there. ‘Dress code?’ she asked.
‘There isn’t one. Wear whatever you like.’ Olivia started unpacking her shopping bag. ‘I’ve got some more bread and cheese. I suggest we fill up on that before we go out. That should line our stomachs nicely. Christa and Ingrid are rather generous with their drinks. I’ve got some gin for us to take with us, too.’
‘Not wine?’ Nancy had noticed that Olivia always kept a bottle of white in the fridge.
‘They’ve billed it as an international cocktail party, so you and I are expected to bring British drinks. I drew the line at beer.’
Later that evening Olivia took Nancy across the street to the modern block of flats where Christa and Ingrid lived.
‘No stair climbing here,’ Olivia said. ‘They have a lift.’
She pushed the button for the second floor. Two minutes later, they walked out onto a bright white corridor with plush, green carpet.
‘It’s a lot more upmarket than our building,’ Nancy said.
’The Germans must pay better - or they get a decent accommodation allowance.’ Olivia led them to the door of apartment 2C and knocked.
A petite woman with dark hair tied in a high ponytail and wearing a bright red dress opened the door and gave them a beaming smile. ’Perfect timing, ladies. I’ve just mixed our first cocktail of the evening.’
‘Nancy, this is Christa,’ Olivia said.
‘So lovely to meet you.’ Christa welcomed them into her living room. ‘How are you finding Paris, Nancy?’
‘I haven’t seen a lot of it yet.’ Nancy smiled. ‘Olivia’s promised to show me the sights on Sunday.’
‘Has she?’ a deep voice said behind her. ‘I was hoping she’d be spending the weekend with me.’