Page 17 of Be Less Panda
That was a bit forward. She liked the look of him, but expecting her to call him was presumptuous.
‘When the book arrives,’ he clarified, looking amused again.
Of course.You stupid woman, Nancy!‘If it’s in stock at the warehouse, it usually takes two to three working days to arrive, a little longer if they have to order it in. We’ll phone you when it’s here. Is that an office number or your home number?’ she asked. ‘Just so we know when to phone,’ she added in case he thought she was prying.
‘Home. But you can always knock on my door in the evening.’ He grinned again. ‘I live in the apartment below yours.’
‘Oh. I’m surprised I haven’t seen you.’
‘I’m out working a lot. I’m sure we will bump into one another on the stairs eventually.’
‘Yes, I’m sure. I’ll be in touch.’
‘I shall look forward to that. Auf Wiedersehen, Nancy.’
‘Auf Wiedersehen, Herr Schmidt,’ she said, her eyes drawn to his pert backside as he walked confidently out of the shop.
‘And how are you feeling now?’ Olivia asked as Nancy walked into the apartment.
‘A lot better, thank you,’ Nancy said as she removed her shoes. ‘Though it would be difficult to feel much worse than I did this morning.’
‘It definitely looked that way at 8 o’clock this morning. I’m impressed you managed a whole day at work.’
‘Madame Dubois took pity on me and gave me light duties.’ Nancy hung her coat on the back of the door.
‘Did you manage to talk to the Saturday girl?’
‘Carol? A little, once the worst of my hangover was over but she knows nothing. Madame Dubois didn’t have any special visitors today. And even if she had, I doubt Carol would have noticed. She spent more time with her head in a book than doing any actual work.’
Nancy sat down on the sofa. ‘Something interesting did happen today, though. Something you might be able to shed some light on.’
‘Tell me more.’ Olivia handed Nancy a cup of tea.
‘Did a German man help you to get me home last night?’
Olivia grinned. ‘So you do remember something. Yes, the lovely Hans. He and Pierre helped carry you back home. Don’t worry. They were both perfect gentlemen when it came to getting you into the apartment.’
‘He said he lives downstairs?’
‘Yes, he does with his friend Dieter. Surely you remember Dieter and Ingrid last night?’
‘Yes, I remember them arriving late, but not Hans. After drinking that lethal blue cocktail, last night was just a blur, but he came into the bookshop this morning.’
‘How did he know you worked there?’
‘I’ve no idea. Perhaps he didn’t. I thought he was rather nice, though,’ Nancy said, trying to sound casual.
‘Billy’s level of nice?’ Olivia’s interest was piqued
‘Possibly. He had the same twinkle in his eye. But I’m not getting involved with anyone here, remember.’
Olivia raised her eyebrows. ‘Are we going to have to work out a system to notify one another if we have a guest?’
‘Why? Are you about to give in to Pierre’s attentions?’
‘Who says I haven’t already?’ Olivia grinned.
‘What, last night?’