Page 24 of Be Less Panda
‘So you do fancy him?’ Philip said.
‘Possibly,’ she smiled. There was no possibly about it, but she was going to stick to her guns about not getting involved with someone. This was just an English lesson. Nothing more.You don’t want a repeat of the heartbreak you felt over Billy.
‘I’ll finish up here. You go and see your beau.’
‘Thank you.’ She gave Philip a peck on the cheek and turned to head down the stairs.
Hans appeared at the top of the stairs. ‘Hello, Nancy.’
‘I was expecting to meet you outside,’ she said.
‘Sorry. I forgot you wrote that.’ He didn’t give Nancy his usual smile. She wondered how much he’d overheard.
Philip picked up some books that didn’t need moving and headed to the shelves at the back of the shop floor. ‘See you tomorrow,’ he said.
‘Yes, see you,’ Nancy replied. She turned to Hans. ‘I just need to get my bag, then we can go.’
He nodded and followed her downstairs. A few minutes later, they were on the street outside the shop.
‘Which way?’ Nancy asked.
‘That direction will get us to the park the quickest,’ Hans said, leading her across the road and down a side street. They carried on in silence for a few minutes. It was starting to feel awkward.
‘Are you ok, Hans?’ Nancy asked.
‘I’m sorry I’m quiet. I have had a strange day,’ he said. ‘I think my manager would like me to return to Germany.’
‘Oh!’ Nancy attempted to hide her disappointment. ‘Why’s that?’
‘She is not happy with my results. Is that the right word?’
‘What sort of results are you talking about?’
‘It is complicated. I’m sorry I mentioned it. Tell me about your day. It will take my mind off my problems.’
‘I’m not sure it will. It hasn’t been very interesting. Just a usual Tuesday at the bookshop.’
They crossed another road into the Bois de Boulogne.
‘Has Madame Dubois had any special visitors today?’
‘Yes, three. Two I’ve seen before, and one new man, who looks like he enjoys his food, shall we say.’
‘I was trying to be polite.’
‘Oh, I see.’
‘He had an interesting surname. Monsieur Onkelinx. It didn’t sound very French to me, but he sounded fluent when he was talking to Madame Dubois.’
‘He might be Belgian?’
‘Possibly. Anyway, this is not helping your English.’
‘No, this is true. Would you like to sit down over there?’ Hans said, pointing to a cafe by the lake. ‘You must want to rest after spending all day on your legs.’
‘Feet,’ Nancy said.