Page 30 of Be Less Panda
‘He looked grey, but he was still breathing when they carried him out. And Madame Dubois phoned the hospital this afternoon and they said he was on the mend.’
‘Was he fully clothed?’
‘So much for your theory then.’
‘But his shirt buttons were done up oddly.’
Olivia looked thoughtful. ‘Madame Dubois or Philip could have tried to resuscitate him? You’re meant to open the shirt so you can find the right place to push down on the rib cage.’
‘But why do his shirt up again? And then there were the moans and groans I heard on the upper floor of the shop. Her living room is nowhere near that part.’
‘They must have moved him before the ambulance arrived. No other clues?’
‘No. It’s a very tastefully decorated Parisian flat, like something you’d see in an interior design magazine.’
‘That doesn’t tell us anything. Her well-to-do clients are unlikely to want to go somewhere seedy. How much more of the apartment is there?’
‘I couldn’t tell. All I could see were the living room and a glimpse of a small kitchen. There must be at least one bedroom beyond that.’
‘How are you going to find out?’
‘I have no idea.’
‘Could you sneak up there while she’s out?’
Nancy had already considered that. ‘What if Philip catches me or Madame Dubois comes back early - what would be my excuse for being there? I need this job. I can’t join Patty on the yacht otherwise.’
‘We’ll have to let our subconsciouses work on the problem. Today hasn’t ruled out your theory but it hasn’t proved it either.’
As she walked into her flat after Hans’ latest English lesson, Nancy was hit by the smell of something delicious cooking in the kitchen. Olivia was stirring a large saucepan on the hob.
‘You’re home!’ Nancy said. She’d missed having Olivia around the place. The Easter weekend had dragged without her.
‘We got back at lunchtime. I said we would. The traffic wasn’t too bad, and Pierre was an excellent driver.’
‘Glad he’s good at something,’ Nancy said as she hung up her coat. ‘How was the chateau?’
‘Very chateau-like. It has several cute turrets, like something out of a fairytale.’
‘Still hoping Pierre will get to inherit it?’
‘I don’t see why he shouldn’t. His parents seem very nice. They were very welcoming to both of us.’
‘No sharp intakes of breath at any dresses you wore that were more than two months old?’
‘Very funny! Do you want your dinner on a plate or thrown at you?’
Nancy laughed. ‘It looks too good to throw. What is it?’ she asked, peering over Olivia’s shoulder.
‘Spaghetti bolognese. It’s ready now. Shall I dish up?’
‘Yes, please. I like paydays. I’d forgotten what meat smells like.’
‘We’ll be back on bread and cheese by Friday,’ Olivia assured her.