Page 32 of Be Less Panda
‘Isn’t that a bit naff as well?’
‘Probably, but it requires minimal effort. And you’ll get to find out if Hans has attractive calves, too. It’s impossible to tell with those baggy suits he wears.’
Nancy hadn’t thought about the shape of Hans’ calves, though she had wondered about other parts of him. ‘We’re inviting Hans, are we?’
‘It would be rude not to. “We like you, but when it comes to partying, you can stay downstairs and listen to the rest of us getting steadily drunker.” Not very friendly, is it?’
‘Who else are we going to ask?
‘Pierre, Dieter, Christa, Ingrid, their Californian neighbours - they’re always a good laugh. What about Philip?’
‘Yes, he might be fun.’
Nancy hadn’t got Carol down as a party animal. ‘I guess if I slipped the invite into whatever book she’s currently engrossed in, she might read it.’
‘There are a few more people at work I’d like you to meet. I’ll include them. It should be an excellent do if they all come.’
‘A toga party?’ Hans said when Nancy gave him his invitation the following day.
‘Yes, they’re the dress things that ancient Romans used to wear.’
‘I understand. It’s the same word in German.’
‘Is it? I suppose that makes sense. It doesn’t have to be a real toga. A sheet and a belt will do.’
‘It could be fun,’ Hans said.
Nancy was pleasantly surprised. She’d half expected him to turn the offer down as he didn’t seem to be interested insocialising outside of their English lessons. ‘You’ll come then?’
‘It will be worth the journey, I’m sure,’ he grinned. ‘Will there be music?’
‘Whatever’s on the radio, unless Olivia decides to sing. I won’t be encouraging her to do that unless everyone is completely drunk. It’s not a pleasant experience for anyone.’
‘You can borrow my record player. It sounds like it might be less painful.’
‘Really? That would be lovely. I had to leave mine at home. What records have you got that we can dance to?’
‘The Beatles, Bill Hailey. A whole mix of things.’
So, he had good taste in music as well.Don’t think about him as potential boyfriend material again - you know you said you weren’t going to get involved! ‘You’re an angel,’ she said.
‘I don’t know about that,’ he said. ‘Who else is invited?’
She reeled off the list of names. ‘Everyone’s said yes so far, apart from Philip. He’s off to the South of France with a friend for the weekend.’
‘I shall look forward to it,’ Hans said, looking like he meant it.
The day of the party soon came around. Olivia was fretting about her cheese and pineapple sticks. ‘They won’t stay upright. It looks such a mess.’
‘We should’ve got a grapefruit to stick them into,’ Nancy said.
‘It’s too late now. Everyone will start arriving soon.’ Olivia added the dish to the array of food and drink on the table. ’We need to move that sofa. There’s no room for anyone to dance.’
‘Relax! Hans will be here any minute. I’m sure he’ll help.’