Page 35 of Be Less Panda
‘And?’ her mother prompted him.
‘And I understand why you left. I want to offer you a chance to become a management trainee.’
He didn’t look like that’s what he wanted at all.
‘And what’s prompted that?’ Nancy asked. ‘Has Eddie gone to the States?’
Her father shifted uncomfortably in his chair. ‘He’ll be going in a few weeks.’
Nancy wasn’t impressed. ‘I see. Your son has confirmed he has no interest in taking over the family business, so in the absence of any other male offspring, you’re grudgingly offering me the opportunity instead?’
‘I’m doing no such thing. I’m offering you a trainee job.’
‘No, George,’ her mother said. ‘You are absolutely offering Nancy the opportunity to become your successor.’
Nancy walked back up the stairs to the apartment. The whole building sounded quiet, but it was only just after 10 pm. Surely the party hadn’t ended already. She let herself into the flat. Olivia was washing up at the sink, but there was no sign of anyone else.
‘Did we have a good party?’ Nancy asked, grabbing a tea towel and starting to dry the glasses.
‘Yes, we did, but we missed you. Hans left shortly after you did. He said he’d pick up his record player tomorrow. Everyone else gave up about half an hour ago when the wine ran out. They were talking about going on to a club, but I said I’d wait for you here. How was your meal?’
‘I’m sure it would have tasted a lot better if I didn’t have to put up with Dad looking at me disapprovingly throughout both courses. I’ve got terrible indigestion now.’
‘What awful timing.’
‘There is never a good time for my beloved father to turn up anywhere. I should have told them to go, but I couldn’t do that to Mum.’
‘Were they just here to check up on you?’ Olivia asked.
‘No. Dad made me an interesting offer.’
Olivia stopped washing up. ‘Well?’
‘He’s offering me the chance to train to be his successor.’
‘Wow! That’s a turn-up for the books. What did you say?’
‘What do you think I said? It’s only because Eddie’s not interested.’
‘You turned him down?’
‘Of course I did. You know what he’s like. I can either spend the winter battling wind, rain and turbulent seas, or I can sit in the office next to his, on tenterhooks, waiting for him to berate me for whatever error I’ve allegedly made that day.’
Olivia nodded. ‘Given that choice, even I would pick the turbulent seas. Are you seeing your folks again?’
‘They’ve gone back to their hotel. Mum asked me to come on a boat trip with them tomorrow, but I said I had to work.’
‘On a Sunday?’
‘They didn’t question it. They’re flying back home in the afternoon. I’ll feel much more relaxed once they’ve left French airspace.’
Pierre had taken Olivia for a picnic lunch, leaving Nancy alone in the flat, mulling over last night’s events. She didn’t waste much time thinking about her father’s offer - she was confident turning him down was the right decision.
Instead, she focused on Hans. She was attracted to him. She’d even dreamt about him last night. They were on Patty’s yacht, just the two of them sailing off into the sunset and doing plenty of other things as well. Nancy felt a warm glow at the memory.
But did he feel the same way about her? He’d left the party just after she had. Surely, that was a positive sign?Or he might have been feeling unwell or any number of other reasons that had nothing to do with missing you.Thank you, inner voice, for putting the dampers on that theory.