Page 21 of Venom's Sting
Brittany smirks. “You should know. We’ve flattered your pants off hundreds of times.”
I freeze in place as the implications of her words settle in. These two beautiful women have had sex with my new protector hundreds of times, if what they’re saying is true. Although I know that I’m his fake old lady and wearing his cut simply for the safety it affords me, something about him just randomly fucking club girls that love to point out that they’ve been with him in front of his supposed old lady, rubs me the wrong way.
Ven just shakes his head. “MCs having club girls is one of the oldest biker traditions. Fucking club girls is always secondary to the brotherhood and every damn thing else about MC life. The two of you would do good to remember that.”
The girls just shoot him a disgruntled look and say nothing. They’re disrespecting me and the prospect behind the bar. He’s disrespecting them. Is this what MC life is all about? Someone constantly disrespecting whoever is lower in the pecking order. I glance away from the whole sordid situation and gaze out the window. I was in such a good mood when I woke up this morning, but now I feel like someone’s burst my bubble.
I have to remind myself that I’m just here for the protection their club offered, and help in finding my mom, nothing more. I’m seeing Ven in a new light and can’t decide if he’s really like this, or just playing the part he’s expected to play as fully patched member of the Savage Legion MC.
He holds out his hand to me. “Come with me, sweetheart. We need to talk about your mom. We’ll talk over breakfast.”
I hesitate for a brief moment before putting my hand in his and allowing him to walk out the door with me. I’m not sure what I expect, but he leads me over to his Harley. It’s a big, beautiful bike with lots of chrome that reflects the sunlight.
He hands me a spare helmet and helps me strap it on before straddling the motorbike and patting the seat behind him. I notice that he didn’t ask if I was okay riding on his bike.
That’s when it hits me like a ton of bricks. I’m supposed to be his old lady. I’m even wearing his property cut. It’s expected that I ride on the back of his bike. I push aside any misgivings and awkwardly climb on and slide my hands around his waist.
Once I’m sat there with my breasts pressed against his back, I hate how right and wonderful it feels being close to him like this. Truth be told, I’m excited to be on the back of his bike, the one parked outside my coffee shops every morning for all those weeks. I used to drive to work hoping he’d be waiting there for me, and he never once disappointed me.
He glances over his shoulder, and we make eye contact. His gaze is steady and strong. “You ready to ride?”
Oh, this is him asking, maybe a little late but not after the fact. A slight smile tugs at the corners of my mouth. “Yeah, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be, hot stuff.” I’ve got to try out terms of endearment to make our fake relationship seem more believable.
His gaze turns warm for a second before he straps his helmet on and starts the engine. He revs the bike, and it vibrates so hard I can feel it in my bones.
When my hands tighten around his waist, Ven laughs and takes off, slowly at first and then picking up speed as we pull onto the interstate. Suddenly, all my angst about the club girls and how cold he was to them drifts away. It’s not my job to judge him after all. That would be considered looking a gift horse in the mouth.
I hug Ven tighter because he’s the only person in this whole town who took an interest in me, and the moment he found out my mom was missing, he jumped into action to help me find her. I don’t know if that means he’s just a good man by nature, or if he’s interested in me. Whatever his reason, it doesn’t matter. There is nothing I won’t do to bring my mom home safely.
I feel a warmth in my gut at the thought that maybe he is interested in me. In the weeks I’ve known him, I’ve developed quite a crush on this big, sexy biker.
Though, the thought of jumping his bones seems inappropriate because all my time and energy should be spent looking for my mother, not on thinking about steamy sex with potentially unavailable guys. But when I hold him tighter, feeling his muscles ripple when he moves slightly to maneuver the motorcycle, it’s hard not to think about how his muscled body would look on top of me. It’s been ages since I’ve been with a man. Most of my life for the past few years has been taken up trying to get my photography studio off the ground and taking care of my mom. The thought of being with Ven flips all the right switches for me. This big biker with a heart of gold is handsome, ripped, and is obsessed with protecting me.
If he showed any hints of wanting to be with me, I wouldn’t turn him away. Feeling his warm body against me as I hold ontight, my imagination runs wild with what it would be like to see him naked, touch him and wrap my hand around his thick cock.
I find myself squeezing my legs around his hips without meaning to. He clearly takes this to mean I’m scared. He slows down slightly and brings one hand back to rest momentarily on my thigh. My heart beats faster as I realize he intends this to be a soothing gesture to help me calm down. It’s one of the sweetest things anyone’s ever done for me and makes me like him even more.
I try and keep my mind away from thinking dirty thoughts about this hot biker, because while the idea of sex with Ven is a powerfully alluring fantasy, in reality he probably won’t ask, because he’s a decent man doing a good deed, I tell myself.
He takes me for a ride down the coast to a small, secluded restaurant. He pulls up and I jump off the bike and remove my helmet to get a view of the place. The sign above the door says, ‘The Serpent’s Den’ and there’s an image of a snake entwined around a long-stemmed rose making up the letter ‘T’. I’m not sure what to make of it, there’s window boxes overflowing with flowers, and considering the gray stone building is nestled amongst a lush landscape of winding paths, overhanging trees, and flowering bushes, it looks like something out of a fairytale. I shade my eyes from the morning sun to get a better look at the details.
“This place is absolutely gorgeous,” I gush, wishing I still had my trusty old camera.
Ven flashes me a pleased grin, grabs my hand and leads me into the restaurant. We pass a huge sandy-colored dog sleepingpeacefully on a rug on the front porch. Inside it’s all red and white checkered tablecloths and beautiful vintage wall art. I don’t know what to make of the name of the restaurant or the eclectic theme. There’s something very European about it or like it’s from days gone by.
Ven doesn’t wait for someone to seat us. Instead, he boldly walks right past the sign that says closed and pulls out a chair at a corner table with a view of the meandering rose bushes out the window. I was about to ask him if we shouldn’t wait to be seated, but suddenly, we hear a loud voice saying, “I tell zis already. I want a seeley mattrees delivered,tout de suite.” Her French accent is so thick I can only make out half of what she’s saying.
There’s a brief pause as she walks into the room and begins fussing over a flower arrangement. The next minute she starts yelling again. “Non, that ees not what I say. You non lissen. I need a seeley mattrees, you know, for zee sleep.” About that time she catches sight of Ven, and her expression changes to relief.
She rushes over to him and hands him her cell phone, speaking in rapid-fire French, “Parle leur pour moi, mon petit Serp.”
He grabs the phone and states lightly, “Yeah, I’ll talk to them for you.”
Ven verifies who he’s talking to and then he tells them, “She obviously wants a Sealy mattress. Yeah. Make it queen-size.” He pauses again before saying, “No delivery. I’m with the Savage Legion MC. I’ll send a couple of our prospects to pick it up. They’ll put it on our club credit card.”
The moment he ends the call, she grabs his head and joyfully kisses him on both cheeks, before enveloping him in her arms.At first, I don’t know what to make of the whole situation. The woman is clearly a little older than Ven, not by much though. She’s got long, light brown hair and is wearing a beautiful floral sundress.