Page 38 of Venom's Sting
“Why do you care? I’m sure Edmund tried to make a deal with you, I know what he’s like.”
I speak up again, “We’re not an outlaw motorcycle club, just a regular one.”
Dan frowns, looking from one to another of us. “Ed said you’re a bunch of criminals. So, you’re all straight edge? Isn’t that fucking weird. I thought I was the only one in the entire fucking county that didn’t do a little meth.”
I take a step forward and gaze down at him. “Edmund’s a fucking liar. You should’ve known better than to believe his bullshit.”
“Yeah, I’m getting that. The part you’re not getting is just how little control I have about what goes down on that farm. If I kick up too much fuss and my father gets rid of me, who’s going to look out for Carol? Ed, Big Joe, or Hal would kill her in a heartbeat and probably do away with our dad too. I just try to shut the fuck up and deal with shit, ya know?”
For some godforsaken reason, I believe what he’s saying is true. “Do you think your father will trade Carol for Edmund?”
He gives another shrug. “Who the hell knows what goes through his mind.”
“What’s your best guess?” Rigs’ stern voice causes Dan to glance over at the older man.
Dan takes a few minutes to think over the question before saying, “I think the old man is going to gather up his guns, drag along Big Joe and Hal and come for Edmund himself.”
When we don’t immediately respond, he adds, “I know that sounds all kinds of crazy but you gotta understand you’re not dealing with a rational person, sometimes he doesn’t even know what decade it is. You know why he got so pissed when Amy showed up? He thought she was Carol. So yeah, he thinks his daughter is his dead wife come back to life, and his granddaughter is his estranged daughter who he blames for the death of his first wife,” Dan shakes his head with the craziness of it all.
“Where’s Jerry Springer when you need him?” I mutter.
“Hey, I’d buy tickets for that show,” Dutch says.
“He’s dead, but maybe Dr. Phil would be interested?” Tank offers.
“Alright, thanks for being honest,” Siege interrupts trying to get back on topic. “Drawing him off the farm and making him come to us will mean bullets aren’t flying around Carol.”
“That’s a smart move. She’s not moving as fast as she once was, I try and make sure she gets her meds, but she really needs to see a doctor.”
“Don’t worry. We’ll get her out of there. Tell the old man he’s got twelve hours to make up his mind about the trade.”
“Or what,” Dan prompts.
“What do you mean or what?” I ask.
Rigs chimes in again, “The kid is asking what we’re gonna do if doesn’t agree. Remember, we’re not talking about someone who’s firing on all cylinders here.”
Dan glances at Rigs and responds, “A demand only works if there is a consequence attached. If not, Rufus might decide to just wait you out.”
Siege says, “Tell him that if we don’t hear back in twelve hours, we begin removing fingers and work our way down.”
Dan’s eyebrows jump up. “Seriously? You’d do that? So why twelve hours instead of eight or fourteen?”
I get irritated by all the talking when Dan needs to be on his way to deliver our message. I warn him, “More than twelve hours is just giving him extra time to round up hired guns, we’re being reasonable here, not stupid.”
“I guess that makes a certain kind of sense. I don’t think he’d round up hired guns, but maybe Big Joe or Hal would.”
I interject, “I know we told you that we’re not outlaw bikers, but you need to know that doesn’t mean we’re not dangerous. If we don’t get Carol back in twelve hours, I’ll start taking Edmund apart myself.”
“There’s no need to be so vicious, dude.”
I lean forward and get right into his face. “We’re savage, not vicious.”
He pales.
Rigs steps closer. “We’re trusting you to do the right thing here, Danny-Boy. Don’t let us down because I guarantee getting on the wrong side of us will make whatever your father or idiot brothers do to you, seem like a fucking vacation.”
Dan swallowed thickly. “I get it. No one wants this situation to go sideways. I’ll do my part to make the trade happen.”