Page 29 of Nanny for the Don
Twenty minutes later, we’re standing in the pregnancy test aisle at CVS, and Kendall’s going through every single box like she’s studying for an exam.
“Wow, they’re all digital now,” she says, flipping a box over to read the back.
I’m standing behind her, feeling totally disconnected from my body, like this isn’t really happening.
Kendall notices, of course. She’s been my rock since I blurted everything out back at the coffee shop. She comes over and puts a hand on my shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “It’s gonna be okay, Will. No matter what, we’ve got this.”
I nod, but I can barely find my voice to respond. My mind’s spinning, a thousand thoughts racing through it, none of them sticking long enough to make any sense.
Kendall finally picks out a test she’s confident about. “This one looks good,” she says, then zips over to the freezer section like she’s on a mission. She comes back with a pint of Cherry Garcia, our go-to whenever shit hits the fan. “Figured we could use thistoo.”
Her hands full, she leads us to the register, her arm around my shoulders the whole way. I’m barely able to utter a word, but I’m grateful she’s here. I don’t know what I’d do without her right now.
My insides are in full-on panic mode. I check my phone—still got a couple of hours before I need to get back. Plenty of time to figure out if my whole life is about to change.
“Let’s head over to my place,” Kendall says, already steering us in that direction. “We can take the test there, assuming my roommates aren’t hogging the bathroom.”
We reach her building—a three-story walk-up that’s seen better days—and I’m silently grateful none of her roommates are around. The place is small and kind of cramped, the typical Brooklyn apartment, and it hits me how lucky I am to be able to stay at Nico’s spacious townhouse.
Kendall leads me straight to the bathroom, where we both just stand there for a second, staring at the pregnancy test box like it’s some kind of alien artifact. Finally, she rips it open and holds up the test, her eyes meeting mine with a reassuring smile. “Alright, Will—do your thing.”
I take the test from her, my hands shaking slightly. This is it. No turning back now.
Kendall gives me a reassuring squeeze on the arm before stepping back. “I’ll give you some privacy. Gonna get the ice cream ready. Remember, whatever happens, you’ve got this.”
I manage a small smile. “Thanks.”
Then I thank her, appreciating how she’s holding it together when I feel like I’m about to fall apart. I follow the directions and hold my breath for what feels like the whole two-minute wait. The timer on my phone goes off and I look down.
I’m pregnant.
Holy. Freaking. Shit.
I stand there for a moment, staring at the word like it’s written in a language I don’t understand. Then, in a daze, I walk out of the bathroom, clutching the test in my hand. Kendall’s in the kitchen, scooping the Cherry Garcia into two bowls. She looks up as I come in, concern flashing in her eyes.
“What does it say?” she asks, her voice gentle.
All I can do is nod, my throat too tight to speak.
Kendall’s eyes widen, and she’s by my side in an instant, pulling me into a hug. “Oh, Will.”
And just like that, the reality of it all starts to sink in. The tears come out of nowhere, and before I can even say a word, I’m full-on ugly crying. Kendall guides me to the couch with that no-nonsense, big-sis energy she’s so good at. She opens Spotify on her phone with a few quick swipes, connecting to her speaker system, the strains ofLullabyby Lorde drifting out.
She wraps her arms around me as we sit, letting me cry it out. After a few minutes, she asks softly, “What’s going on in that head of yours? Are you crying because you’re happy, or sad, or… what?”
I wipe my eyes, trying to pull myself together. “I don’t know,” I admit, taking a deep breath. Kendall hands me some tissues, and I blow my nose, feeling a little more like myself. “I think I’m happy. But I’m also scared.”
“Scared about being pregnant?” she asks, concern written all over her face.
I hesitate, knowing I’ve got to spill the truth now.. “Not just that. I didn’t tell you who the father is. Who I’ve been hooking up with.”
She raises an eyebrow, immediately jumping to the worst conclusion. “Please don’t tell me it’s some random from Hinge or something.”
I shake my head, but the truth is just as heavy. “No. It’s my boss.”
Kendall’s jaw drops, and for a moment, she’s completely speechless. I can see the wheels turning in her head, trying to process what I just dropped on her. This was not what she expected to hear. She blinks hard, shaking her head like she’s trying to clear it. “You’re serious? You’ve been screwing your boss?”