Page 26 of Fighting for Lucy
True to his word, Raul hadn't allowed her a moment to recover from the drug before one of his men was injecting her with another dose. There had been no reprieve, just hours of writhing and chewing on her bottom lip to keep from begging for someone to bring her a release.
What Raul hadn't mentioned, though, was that he intended to parade her around the house so she was constantly on display for him and his men to enjoy her suffering. She’d been put in a corner of the dining room while the men ate lunch, then outside by the pool while Raul enjoyed some sexy times with some woman Lucy was pretty sure was not here by choice. Again, at dinner time, she’d been ogled and laughed at in the dining room, then several of the men had gotten off in the living room in the evening while they watched porn and played cards.
It was disgusting watching them get off, her body craving the feel of them inside her while her brain was sickened by the whole thing.
At one point, tears had trickled down her cheeks, and a sob had built inside her, but when she’d seen how gleeful her tears made the men she quickly summoned the strength to get them under control.
Worst, though, was being made to spend the night in Raul’s room in his bed. He hadn't touched her, well, not sexually, but he’d made her sleep beside him with a fresh dose of the drug in her system, and she knew he’d loved the way her body writhed as need consumed her.
Now she was back in the dining room, men were filing in, filling their plates with food from the buffet, while her emptystomach growled in protest. Another shot had more of the arousal drug in her veins, and with little sleep in days, plus her injuries, she was teetering on the edge of exhaustion.
Which meant she was also teetering on the edge of breaking.
It was close.
Much too close.
Any second now she feared it was going to happen.
Once she took that first step and begged for someone to touch her, then it was only a matter of time until everything else came crumbling down. Less than twenty-four hours on the arousal drug, and she was coming precariously close to giving up the formula for the Reactivator just to get an orgasm.
The knowledge filled her with shame, but the problem was the shame was no match for the raging need that demanded it be quenched.
Tears blurred her vision as the door to the dining room opened, and two more men stepped through. Normally, she wouldn’t have paid all that much attention to whoever it was. The men were all the same in her mind and blended into one, but something about this man caught her attention.
There was no way …
But as she looked closer, she saw that it was.
It was … Zander.
In Raul Castillo’s house.
Not drugged and cuffed like she was but walking free.
Walking freeandclean. His hair was damp, and he was dressed in jeans and a black T-shirt that stretched across his muscular frame. There were no dirty smudges on his face like she knew there were on her own, and she could see a bandage on his bicep, peeking out from under the sleeve of his T-shirt, and butterfly bandages on his forehead closing the wound there from the crash.
As her mouth dropped open in shock, she watched as he laughed with one of Raul’s men and piled food high on his plate before taking a seat at the table.
He didn't even spare a glance her way.
Just sat there eating and talking like he didn't have a care in the world.
Rage unlike anything else Lucy had ever felt before built inside her. Boiling hot lava like the arousal burning her from the inside out had turned her into a volcano mere seconds away from erupting.
Zander was working for Raul Castillo.
All those doubts she’d had about whether or not he could be trusted, those flickers in his eyes that she had interpreted as pain, loss, and guilt, the guilt she herself had felt when she thought he was dead because of her, it all added to her rage and fueled it.
He was a traitor.
He’d turned against his country, but worse than that, he’d turned against his own twin sister by working for the man who had kidnapped and tortured her.
How could he?