Page 56 of Fighting for Lucy
Taking her bud between his lips, Zander sucked hard, raking his teeth over the sensitive bundle of nerves, and Lucy came on a scream.
Her internal muscles were still quivering when he lifted her down and buried himself inside her in one thrust.
Their eyes met, hers hazy with pleasure, cheeks tinted the prettiest shade of pink, and held as he began to rock his hips,building a steady pace that would soon have them tumbling over the ledge together.
Such a beautiful word.
But not more beautiful than his girl.
Taking her mouth, he kissed her slowly, sensuously, pouring into it all the words he didn't know how to say aloud.
Working her bud with his thumb, he held onto the orgasm ready to explode inside him, waiting until Lucy was ready to join him. When he could feel her teetering on the edge he pressed hard with his thumb, deepened the kiss, and Lucy let go. He did, too, and they fell together, locked in a world of pleasure, a world where everything was perfect.
Hope and fear warred inside him.
Because while Lucy offered him a future brighter than he could ever have imagined, there was somebody out there who was prepared to play games with her life. He couldn’t allow himself to forget that it had to have been the mole who messed with his plane, because it hadn't been Raul or his men.
So long as the mole was out there, Lucy was in danger, and there was a chance that his life would remain cloaked in darkness forever.
Without Lucy, there would be no light.
January 26th
9:31 A.M.
“We’re late,”Zander said as they walked through the front doors of Prey.
“Mmm, yep. A whole one minute,” Lucy teased. Actually, she usually hated to be late. Her parents were the kind of people who left more than enough time to make it somewhere at least fifteen minutes early, and then left another thirty minutes or so before that. As a kid, they’d spent so much time sitting in the car waiting for an acceptable time to go inside wherever it was they were going that they were all experts at car games.
Today, though, she didn't care about being late. Because she wouldn’t have traded the hours she and Zander had spent together for anything. They’d managed a couple of hours of sleep in her bed, tangled in one another’s arms. Then showered together and made waffles for breakfast.
Those moments were even more precious because not only were they getting to know one another and starting to make memories together—good memories rather than those ofrunning for their lives in Mexico—but they could so easily not have happened.
She’d come dangerously close to losing Zander before he was ever even hers.
Never would she take for granted a single second with this man who held her hand like it was the most natural thing in the world.
There was still a chance she could lose him. He was battling his demons the best way he knew how, but Lucy knew he was struggling, doubting himself and his place in the world. All she could do was be there for him and hope and pray it was enough. Despite what Zander thought, the world wouldn’t be a better place without him in it. He was not responsible for what happened to his team, and of course, there was a darkness inside him after living through an ordeal like that.
Already, she could feel tendrils of darkness inside her own soul, and she hadn't suffered half as much as Zander had.
But they were home, they were safe, and they were together, and for now that was enough.
“One minute now.” Zander threw a quick glance at her. “But by the time we get in the lift, and get up to the third floor, and then into the conference room?—”
“We’ll be maybe four minutes late at the most,” she finished for him.
“Lucy!” Dora Hibbert came out from behind the reception desk and threw her arms around her in a crushing hug. While definitely a sweet woman, Dora had a habit of being a little too touchy feely, Lucy knew it sometimes made the guys, who were all happily married, a little uncomfortable. “I’m so glad you're okay. I was so worried when I heard that your plane went down, and then hearing that you were captured.” Dora shuddered. “So awful. I’m so glad you're home safely now.”
“Thank you, Dora.” Lucy returned the woman’s hug. Despite her over-demonstrative personality, and the fact that she was the hub of office gossip, they all knew that without Dora, things would not run so smoothly around here. “This is …” she trailed off, realizing she’d been about to introduce Zander as Scarlett’s brother, but call her selfish she wanted to introduce him as hers. Only her what? “My …”
“Boyfriend,” Zander supplied, and she stared up at him in shock. Was he ready to call himself that? It was what she wanted, but she was surprised he’d said it like it was no big deal, especially after what he’d been considering last night.
“Oh.” Dora looked confused as she glanced at their joined hands. “I thought you were Zander Madden, Scarlett’s brother.”