Page 4 of A Secret Promise
Salt and Light started squawking at that moment, and Vixen, in yet another inexplicable moment of impulse, found herself inviting Riley to help her out as she headed back to the counter.
"I never thought of birds eating plants and stuff," the younger girl revealed with a sheepish smile. "But it kinda makes sense when you really think about it."
"Seeds are like junk food for birds," Vixen explained, "so I only give them seeds as a treat."
"Have you always had birds as pets?"
"Salt and Light are my first, and I got them from the local sanctuary."
"So they're like rescues?"
"In a way. They likely escaped from captivity...or were deliberately released when their previous owners no longer felt fit or interested in caring for them."
Riley appeared incensed. "That's mean!"
"It happens a lot, unfortunately. And what most people also don't realize is how love birds can be considered an invasive species since they're not endemic here. In order for me to take Salt and Light in, the sanctuary helped me obtain special permission from the local animal department. I'm also required to submit periodic reports on their health, stuff like that."
"That sounds exhausting."
"It is. But it's also incredibly rewarding. No risk, no biscuit as they say."
Riley wrinkled her nose. "Don't tell me that's also from the Bible?"
Vixen grinned. "A former NFL coach."
Riley burst into laughter, and this pretty much set the tone for the rest of the evening. The younger girl eagerly helped out in getting Salt and Light settled for the night while they bonded and laughed over shared interests.
Vixen was honestly surprised at how much she enjoyed Riley's company, and it was probably why her heart had this funny little ache when Riley suddenly spoke in a wistful tone.
"You're more like a mom to them than mine ever was to me."
Vixen didn't answer right away. One's family was always a touchy subject for anyone, and she needed a moment to pray for wisdom and discernment.
"While I can't speak as a parent, Iamsomeone's daughter, and I've had my fair share of misunderstandings with my own mom. I know they can say and do pretty hurtful things, but they'restillour mother at the end of the day. They always have our best interests at heart."
But Riley proved to be a lot more stubborn when it came to her mother.
"Thatright there is just more proof that you're more like a mom than mine is. She'llneversay anything like that. She'd just say I was wrong, and she's right, and that's how it will always be."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Mom's never going to say that either. She's never apologized to me. Likeever."
"Maybe...your mom's going through something as well? You could ask her that the next time you guys talk. Maybe just ask how she is."
Riley's expression turned noncommittal. "Maybe. I mean, I probablycan. But only if she cares to call me up first....which sheneverdoes. All she cares about is getting her monthly check from Dad."
Vixen felt like she was about to start sounding like a broken record, but she also knew there was nothing else for her to do but apologize.
"I'm sorry to hear that, Riley. I really am. Has it been long since their divorce?"
Riley's lips tightened. "They were never married in the first place. My mom had just divorced her first husband when she dated my dad. He never knew she was married—-"
"Are you sure you want to tell me this?" Vixen asked gently.
"Ineedto. I feel like I'm about to explode if I don't get this off my chest."
Vixen led Riley back to her table and prepared another drink to help the younger girl relax. "This is one of our most popular brews," she explained. "It has lavender and chamomile, some honey, and a healthy amount ofcalamansiimported from the Philippines."