Page 10 of Ruin Me
“And who do you expect to monitor me 24/7?”
“Ah, Kent…” Omar opened the door with a shell-shocked expression.
“Oh, you made it!” Madison jumped from her seat to greet the blonde woman standing beside Omar’s stiff body.
The new woman put all the women since Oyinlola to shame. She was the most sought-after supermodel—perfect by anyone’s standards—but I couldn’t take my eyes off the woman beside her.
“Elsie, I’d like to introduce you to Mr. Luxe. If you two hit it off, I’ll start reserving your media tour and make sure you have something to wear at the charity event in three days.”
Madison did it again, flummoxed me with no effort. Between her grating insistence on referring to me as Mr. Luxe and the atomic bomb she dropped in my lap, I was going to explode.
“Excuse us,” I said to Elsie before grabbing Madison’s arm and dragging her onto the elevator.
Despite her struggle to free herself, I kept my hold firm until we reached the vacant apartment below mine; no way was I letting her into my living space. As the doors opened, I flung her inside.
“Explain how the fuck Elsie, the biggest international supermodel, is the girl next door!” I bore down on Madison, who had the goddamn audacity to stand her ground.
“You don’t get more wholesome than our home-grown mid-western girl. Elsie is from a small farming community right here in Colorado and she knows how to appeal to the audience we need while drawing the publicity we want.”
“Get rid of her.”
“I don’t think so,” she smugly replied.
I advanced on her. Even as her eyes widened with the realization that I would walk through her if she didn’t back up. Even as she made the first step backward, ceding me the ground I demanded. Even as she pressed her back against the wall.
With our breaths mixing as we glared into each other’s eyes, I said, “I told you I get final say and she’s out.”
A smirk crossed her lips. “And I told you that you don’t. What? Are you mad because I’ve got your number? Elsie is gorgeous and tall and can adapt her look from innocence personified to a sensual knockout. And she’s got the media savvy to match.”
Madison pushed against my chest, and I snapped. Yes, I was furious that she over delivered on her claim because, just like the last eight months, I felt nothing for Elsie. The only person causing blood to flow to my cock stood in front of me, crowing a victory that didn’t exist and forcing me to remember why I’m supposed to hate her.
All that meant nothing as I mindlessly slammed my mouth down on hers and sank my fingers into her soft, cottony hair, and pressed my hard cock into her softness. I took advantage of the gasp that escaped her by plunging my tongue into the small opening. Then I drank. The rage I’d bottled up flowed into that kiss. I wrenched moan after delicious moan from her, licked and bit without finesse. But it wasn’t enough.
I returned to plumb her depths, only to return thirstier than before. On the verge of drowning in her, a swift shove to my abdomen disconnected me from finding something I’d been barred from since I lost my wife.
The thought, followed by Madison’s angry slap to my cheek, didn’t lessen the need flowing through my body.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” she panted.
Her breasts heaved with every breath she took. Her nipples poked out in a plea to be touched, and fuck if I didn’t want to do more than touch. But I shouldn’t because this was Madison causing the havoc inside me.
“You’re baiting me. I don’t know how you knew I wouldn’t reac—No, you fucked around and now I’m showing you my response. Tell me, when you picked Elsie, did you ask yourself who was the complete opposite of you? If so, you blew it out of the park. And when I fuck her, you’ll never know what you’re missing, what you’ll never get because you pushed me too far this time.”
I slammed through the front door of my parents’ home, still reliving Kent’s umpteenth slap to my confidence. That he dared to prove his point by giving me the hottest kiss I’d ever received rankled more because I knew Elsie would gladly sleep with him.
My body had yet to cool off from the inferno he started. Yet another reason for me to hate Kent fucking Luxe.
“Maddy, is that you?” my mother’s voice reminded me I didn’t have the luxury to vent my frustrations. Since I was staying with them until I finished my contract with Kent, I couldn’t act the way I did living by myself.
“Yes, Mommy.” I made my way to the kitchen, where she was wiping the table.
“Do you work this late in D.C.?”