Page 17 of Ruin Me
He slumped his shoulders and evaded my glance by looking at the ground. “He said if you know what’s good for you, you’ll do as you’re told, wear the damn dress and get your”—Omar cringed—“ass to the gala.”
I patted Omar’s shoulder. “Thanks for telling me. Don’t worry, I won’t bite your head off.”
“That’s a relief because I really like you. As a friend, promise.” A smile returned to his face and relief replaced the stress lines around his eyes from moments ago. “So, how long do you think you’ll need?”
“Not long at all.” I shifted my hold to Omar’s elbow and led him to the door. “Because I’m not going. And you can tell Mr. Luxe that someone else has already filled the role for my father, and I don’t need a second one telling me what’s good for me.” I gently shut the door in Omar’s face and returned to dinner with my parents, with a lightness to my step and a grin I tried to suppress.
Tonight’s charity event supported Douglas’ Children’s Hospital. Although Douglas couldn’t compete with metropolises like New York, Felicidad, or Los Angeles, the attendees more than made up for it. Celebrities, dignitaries, and ambassadors mingled with local business executives. The attendees made an eclectic mix that rivaled many White House dinners.
Women dressed in their best finery, their jewels glimmered in the overhead lights. Wives and girlfriends exploited their networks to introduce their men to new contacts. Soon, their men sidelined them for the more attractive business deals and budding partnerships.
I maneuvered Elsie through the crowd to show my face to my long-time acquaintances. The owner of Sussex Club, the exclusive gentlemen’s club I’d joined as did other celebrities and famous members of various royal families, the Director of Douglas’ Boards and Commissions in charge of approving many of my construction projects, and the CEO of my company’s bankstopped me within the first five minutes of entering the main hall. After the expected small talk, I spotted the mayor and his wife, but before I could head toward them, Hal intercepted us.
“Kent, I didn’t realize you were attending tonight. Weren’t you on hiatus?” My company’s general counsel stared at my date, a speculative gleam in his eyes.
“Hal, meet Elsie. Elsie, Hal is my company’s legal representation.”
Elsie held her hand out to him, and Hal kissed her knuckles.
“I’ve returned to my roots as a social butterfly. Do you like the new look?” I asked.
“Ah, your fixer put you up to tonight.” He nodded while gazing around the room. “Where is she, by the way? Don’t you need her around to make sure you stick to the script?”
His reminder rankled. I couldn’t tell if my annoyance stemmed from Madison’s defiance or a genuine need for her to be close at hand. After she left the office, her absence left me with an empty feeling I had yet to fill.
Elsie’s soothing touch along my arm made me aware of my tightly clenched fists. I patted her hand and forced my body to relax.
“Hal, with a woman like Elsie on my arm, there’s no need for a script.” I twirl her around for effect.
She speared him with a dazzling smile. “Kent, you flatter me too much.”
“He has a point.” Hal’s admiring gaze held a hint of envy.
If he knew Elsie failed to capture my interest, I wondered how he would react. “I won’t keep you. We all need to show the public that Luxe Locations is still worthy of their support.”
I led Elsie away to find Valentino, but Deke impeded our progress. Carol was on his arm in a showpiece gown that rivaled red-carpet award show attendees. As the head of my Human Resources department, I hoped he hadn’t risked mycompany’s reputation for the beautiful manager. In looking closer, I realized Carol’s grip on Deke was a commandeering one. Perhaps she, and not Deke, was the mastermind behind their relationship.
An unsubtle nudge from her prompted Deke to blurt, “Kent, I’ve never been happier to see you than I am now. Carol convinced me I needed to attend tonight, although this really isn’t my scene.”
“What Deke means to say,” Carol interjected with a forced smile. “Is with all the terrible publicity the company’s received lately, we wanted to do our part to represent the company. And what better way to do it than while wearing pretty clothes? I’m Carol, by the way.” She held her hand out to Elsie with the air of a regent expecting her subjects to bow to her. “You are?”
“Kent’s date, Elsie. I hope you continue to do all that you can to help him and the company tonight.” Elsie rested her hand against my chest. “Although we haven’t known each other long, I know the rumors about him are false.”
“Wow, Kent, you’ve won another woman over in so little time.” Carol pulled her hand away without the expected response from Elsie. “It won’t be too long before the police and press know what everyone else at Luxe Locations does; you wouldn’t hurt a fly. Makes me wonder why you need Madison’s services at all. If Mal knew her rate?—”
“Are you implying that my CFO, the man in charge of our company’s finances, isn’t doing his job?” I frowned at Carol and dismissed her in the next second. “Deke, enjoy what you can of the night, but don’t overextend yourself. I want a meeting first thing tomorrow morning.” I glanced at Carol then at Deke as a silent message to him about who the subject of the meeting would be.
Carol had overstepped one time too many for my liking. This time, she served as another reminder of Madison’s absence.
Stifled by the current situation, I pulled Elsie away. “Thank you for that.”
“Not a problem. It’s not like I was lying. You may be a little distant, but you’ve been open with me since our first meeting. I almost feel like this isn’t work.”
“Allow me to repay you. Madison mentioned you wanted to meet Valentino DeLuca. We have a lot of mutual interests, and an introduction from me will go a long way in attaining your aspirations.”