Page 24 of Ruin Me
“Did you get a good look at him?” I asked.
Omar shook his head. “I wish. I don’t even know if I did the right thing by not going after him, but Elsie wasn’t responding. There was so much blood around her head and she wasn’t conscious.” He slammed his fist against the table.
Madison cupped his hand. “Listen, we have to believe she’ll pull through.”
Omar sobbed. “Even if she does, she may never be the same. The asshole cut her face!”
Madison and I shared a glance, knowing what damage to Elsie’s face could do to her career.
“There’s no use staying here since we won’t hear when she’ll be up for visitors.”
Omar silently agreed, and we headed toward the ICU’s waiting room. When we entered, Detectives Glass and Salinas were arguing with a nurse to let them in to see Elsie. Glass noticed me first.
“Mr. Luxe, may I ask what brings you here?”
“I’m acquainted with Elsie and am concerned about her condition.”
“How’d you hear about the attack?” Salinas came up behind me, suspicion in his voice. “The 911 call came from a Madison Montgomery.”
“That’s me. We were together when Omar called to tell us what happened.” Madison maneuvered between me and the detective, as if shielding me from his ill intent.
“Looks like you have an alibi for when the attack took place,” Glass said. “While we wait for the patient to wake up, I’d like to speak to this Omar person you mentioned.”
“I’m right here.” Omar stood to face the officers. “I don’t know much, but I’ll tell you what I saw.”
“Don’t you work for Mr. Luxe?” Salinas asked. The implication that he considered Omar’s connection with me, a suspect in previous murders, was clear in his tone.
“I do.”
“Why were you at the scene of the attack?”
Omar relayed the same information he’d told Madison and me earlier, though under more grilling and a heavy air of suspicion. While Omar answered the same set of questions, albeit phrased differently, a doctor entered the waiting room looking for Omar.
Detective Glass pushed Omar aside to say, “Is the patient awake?”
“Yes, but she can only see one person at a time.” The doctor turned to the detectives. “I respect your profession, but that rule also applies to you. One of you has to stay out here.”
The police officers whispered to each other before Glass nodded and left the room. Meanwhile, Omar engaged the doctor with questions.
Salinas and I stared each other down until Madison pulled at my arm. “Now’s not the time for pissing off the cops. I think something about the attack must have a connection with the other cases they’ve linked to you.”
I turned away from the aggravating officer to give Madison my attention. “I think so, too. Otherwise, the police wouldn’t have sent homicide detectives to investigate.”
“But what I don’t understand is the cut on Elsie’s face. None of the other victims were marked that way, and it feels personal. Like something a disgruntled ex-boyfriend would do.”
We walked over to a secluded area to share our thoughts.
“Although Elsie is famous and I’m sure we share some social circles, I doubt I’ve had dealings with an ex of hers. Or that he would take issue with the other women I’ve dated.”
“Maybe he read the news and tried to mimic the other crimes?” Madison bit her lip as she pondered. “If you’re involved, the only people who knew about you and Elsie were attendees at the Children’s Hospital fundraiser. I’ll get a list and cross reference the people there with people you have in common.”
I folded my arms, imagining the daunting task. “That sounds like a lot to take on.”
“You’re right, but I have a team to help. And the sooner we clear you, the sooner your company will recover from the negative press.”
Omar joined us, his face less worn after hearing Elsie would pull through. Madison and I shared our impressions, which caused him to frown.
“I hate to break it to you, but Elsie hasn’t had a boyfriend since high school. All the men linked to her were arrangements like the one she has with Kent. I doubt a guy that far back is coming around now, especially from where she grew up. He’s probably working his family’s farm and has no idea what Elsie’s done with her life.”