Page 39 of Ruin Me
“Have you found something linking an employee to the murders?”
“I wish. You know how badly I want to find who cut Elsie.” He beckoned me behind his desk to look at his monitor. “What I found though, makes me wonder if I’ve uncovered something else.”
The user profile for @Nose2TheGrindstone appeared. I raised a questioning brow at Omar, not seeing what caused his alarm.
“From what I’ve been able to piece together, this person is Luxe Locations’ general counsel.”
“Hal?” I shook my head in disbelief.
“I know, right? That was my response.”
“There’s no way. I’m more inclined to think someone hacked his computer than to believe he would betray Kent this way.”
“Now that you mention it, you’re probably right.” Omar picked up the receiver for his phone and dialed a number. “I’ll get our IT department to dig into his login information. I would hate to have to tell Kent he’s got a snake pretending to take care of the company.”
“Okay, until IT either confirms or rules Hal’s involvement out, don’t tell Kent. That kind of suspicion without proof could ruin a friendship.”
I left Omar agreeing with me and entered my shared office with Kent. As soon as I shut the door behind me, the transparent walls turned an opaque white.
“Do you know how much restraint I had to practice while I watched you talking to Omar?” Kent marched over to me and pulled me into his arms for an all-consuming kiss.
“I doubt you leashed yourself for long,” I said, pulling out of his embrace. “You realize you aren’t being subtle? Every time you block out the walls, you might as well put up a billboard sign advertising what we’re doing.”
“Ask me if I care.”
“Why bother? I already know the answer.” I headed toward my desk, but Kent’s arm around my waist impeded my progress.
“Since the windows are tinted, why don’t we take advantage of the few minutes we have free?” He pushed his hand beneaththe waistband of my skirt and panties. “Wearing extra layers today?”
As I melted into his arms, his phone rang. “You better answer it.”
“I can multitask.” He hauls me behind him.
“No, Kent! You are not fucking me while you take a call.”
“As long as you don’t make a sound, no one’s going to know.”
Against my better judgment, I allowed him to position me over his desk as he answered his call and put it on speaker.
“What do you need, Mal?” Kent delved under my skirt and rolled my panties down my legs.
“I sent over the figures for the Hayden proposal. I wanted to walk through them before we meet with them next week.”
As Mal spoke, Kent turned my face to the side and pressed his finger against my bottom lip. I opened without protest, and he pushed my panties inside. My lust had already saturated my underwear, and I fought back the moan attempting to escape.
I had no defense against Kent or his unquenchable desire for me. If he weren’t in the same situation as me, I would probably cry at the imbalance in our relationship.
“Let me pull up the spreadsheet now.” Instead of touching his computer, a metal clink sounded behind me, alerting me to the belt Kent unfastened.
In the silent room, the snick of his zipper lowering caused me to clench my thighs in anticipation.
“Have you found the file yet?”
“Not yet.” Kent pressed his erection against my opening and I clung to the edge of the desk. As he pushed inside me, he fiddled with the computer. “Okay, it’s wide open,” He said before pushing all the way inside me.
I turned my face into my shoulder to stifle my groan.
“What was that?” Mal asked.