Page 52 of Ruin Me
“Yeah, but you were mad when you said it.”
“You’re my man, Kent Luxe.”
“Glad to hear it. And since you so boldly claimed me as your man, I’m telling you now, I’m claiming your future.” He lowered his face until he also claimed my lips.
I didn’t want to feel so giddy with the danger still surrounding us, but each glide of his tongue and the way Kent slid his hand to grab the back of my head to angle me for a deeper kiss… Well, the man had a golden tongue sweet enough to erase worries.
“Thank you, everyone for all the long hours you’ve put in over the past few weeks. We appreciate your dedication to the company’s success while we navigate the speculation in the press.” Hal closed his leather-bound portfolio and turned to me. “Kent, can I have a word?”
I settled into my seat while I waited for everyone from the legal and public relations department to file out of the conference room.
Hal rolled his pen against the tabletop. Back and forth. Back and forth until the last person closed the door behind them. I studied the head of Luxe Locations’ legal team, wondering what had him so rattled he displayed his tell.
“Kent, I wanted to make you aware…” Hal cleared his throat. “Someone on the board is secretly setting up meetings with other members.”
“Do you know the reason behind these meetings?” I leaned forward but kept my voice level, although I was keen to identify any disloyal member on my staff or board.
Hal flattened his lips. “I only have speculations. I haven’t been invited to the discussions.”
“Give me names.”
“You should be more worried about why.”
“Hal, I asked you why. You came back with you have guesses. Well, I can conjecture as well as the next man.”
“Good, so let’s get ahead of the message before more board members jump ship.”
I steepled my fingers and looked at him over the tips. “You have a suggestion?”
Hal relaxed his stance and exhaled. “Yes. The woman you hired from the crisis management firm… She’s bringing a lot of unwanted attention with the men who follow her everywhere. They're causing disruptions in the office.”
“I hired them for her safety.”
“But they don’t work for Luxe Locations. They shouldn’t have been given clearance to enter the building let alone terrify the employees.”
“Hal, be honest. Those men probably make our workers feel safer.”
“I have to disagree, Kent. But there is another solution if you don’t want to remove them. Get rid of her. That way they’ll continue to protect her without disturbing our work. It’s not like she’s up to the task. Her job is to revamp our image and she’s failed.” He held his hand to stop the objection on the tip of my tongue from issuing forth. “Look, Kent. I know you said she did a great job with that rockstar and prince, but from what I’ve seen, I wonder if she…” He lapsed into silence and pinched his lips.
“If. She. What?” I said each word with strained patience.
“If she didn’t take credit for someone else’s work. You can’t deny she’s the classic definition of a DEI hire.”
The urge to leap across the table nearly overtook me. “In what way?”
“Come on, Kent! She’s a woman trying to rehab a man’s image. What the hell does she know? On top of that, she’s?—”
“Hal, you need to shut up and leave.”
He jolted. “Kent, I’m trying to help save you from being ousted from your own company because an incompetent woman?—”
I stood, glaring at my counsel. “If you don’t walk out of here on your own, you won’t be walking anywhere ever again.”
Hal jumped out of his chair. “I hope the pussy is worth it when you lose your company.”