Page 69 of Ruin Me
“You think I don’t know that? I’m very aware of our age difference.”
“Then why, Dad? Why her?”
“Because she showed me how to live again. For the first time in a long time, I had more than you and my company as my reasons to live.”
“And so where does that leave Mom?”
I rose and kneeled by Ife’s side. I took her hands in mine as I peered into her hurt eyes. “Your mother will always be a part of me. I don’t shy away from my memories with her now, and part of the reason is Madison. She loved Lola almost as much as you.”
“I can’t listen to this. Please, stop.” Ife hugged herself while rocking in her chair.
I sighed and retook my seat. “One day, I hope you’ll change your mind.”
“But there are so many women out there who could do what Mads does for you and more.”
“Sweetheart, I wasn’t looking for love when she came walking through my door and read me for filth.”
“She did what?”
“Yeah, the woman you sent to save me didn’t hold back from challenging everything I did and exposing me as an asshole. But I realized pretty soon, she made me unreasonably angry becauseI was fighting a losing battle with myself. I’m not blind to her faults. In fact, I’ve been very critical of her, and I need you to understand because when I say I’m in love with her, I’m not confusing what I feel with lust.”
The server returned with our food, his smile dropping as he took in Ife’s sad expression.
“Sorry, but can you pack this in a to-go container? I won’t be staying.”
“Dad, I’ve heard you out. And as much as I want to be in your corner and cheering you on because you deserve to have love again, I can’t get over the person you chose is Mads. It feels like the deepest betrayal, one I need more than a few days to get over. And if I’m honest, I’m not sure I’ll ever get over losing what I shared with either of you.” Ife stood to leave.
“You can at least wait until your food comes.” I tried again to keep her.
“Take it with you. I don’t have the stomach for it anymore.”
She made it to the door before two men I had nothing but disdain for came barreling into the private dining room.
“Detectives, I’m trying to have a meal with my daughter. Can you harass me with your conspiracy theories another day?”
Salinas smirked. His aura oozed malicious intent. “Kent Luxe, you’re under arrest for the murder of Carol Prosper. That’s right, you asshole. We’ve got you on the hook for her, and soon we’ll get you for the other murders.”
“That’s impossible. My father couldn’t kill anyone.” Ife blocked Salinas from putting handcuffs on me.
“Ma’am, I understand this may come as a shock, but we’re only trying to do our jobs.” Glass took my daughter by the shoulders. “If you continue to obstruct us, we’ll have to arrest you, too.”
“Get your hands off my daughter.” I sidled around Ife’s body to show Glass why touching my girl was a terrible choice.
Because I took my eyes off Salinas, I was unprepared when he snuck up behind me and put me in cuffs. As he read me my rights, I stared stonily at Glass until he removed his hands.
“Ife, call Quarren and tell him to meet me at the station.” Salinas began dragging me from the room, but I had one more thing to say. “If you see Madison, reassure her and let her know I’ll be out soon.”
“Don’t count on it.” Salinas dragged me out of the room and through the restaurant, preening like a peacock.
Quarren met us at the precinct’s entrance and followed us into an interrogation room.
“Detective Glass, you better have a good reason for arresting my client after the months of harassment perpetuated against him by your department.”
“Counselor, I understand you’re paid big money to defend and deflect, but there’s no doubt your client is guilty.”
“How? You haven’t even asked if I have an alibi.” I glared at the two men who’ve caused me endless irritation.