Page 10 of Coveting Catherine
On seeing him standing there, Catherine's eyes widened, and she immediately scanned the area behind him.
“Leo. What do you want?” She didn't invite him in, as she pulled Melody higher up on her waist and pressed the child's head to her shoulder as if to use her as shield. Catherine's eyes raked over him as she recognized the dress uniform.
“May I come in?” Leo gestured behind her.
Catherine's mouth firmed into a thin line as she shook her head.
“Whatever you're here for, you can say it right here,” she demanded.
Leo's already stiff posture somehow went ramrod straight as if she slapped him.
“I think we should go inside, Catherine.” Leo's tone brooked no argument as he attempted to guide her through the doorway.
“No. Why are you here, Leo? You can’t come in. I don't want you inside,” she stated as she emphatically shook her head. Catherine struggled as he stepped in the doorway, forcing her into the hallway of her home. At least he managed to get her inside the house.
“I'm here to inform you, your husband, Rick “Ash” Mitchel, was reported deceased at sixteen hundred hours on the seventeenth of September. On behalf of the Secretary of Defense, I extend my deepest sympathy to you and your family in your great loss,” Leo stated mechanically.
“What?” Catherine's voice came out breathy as if she didn’t believe what he told her. Her chest rose rapidly as she absorbed the news. “What did you say?”
“Catherine,” he softly spoke her name as she backed into the living area.
Taking a step closer to her, he held his hands out toward the baby as he watched Catherine's face crumble. Leo prepared for the worst without knowing how she’d react to him bringing the news. He didn't shirk from his duty. Ash remained his teammate, even if he did transfer to another team. Leo hadn't been there to tell Catherine or her family about Olaf. He damn sure planned to take care of them now.
Catherine's butt plopped on the cold tile floor as she slid against the living room wall. Holding Melody even tighter, making the baby squirm in protest, Catherine stared up at Leo standing over her. She flinched, instantly stood, and moved away from Leo while placing herself between him and Melody.
“Are you sure? Ash is dead?” She whispered. Her eyes glistened with tears.
“Yes. Do you want me to call your mom?” Leo gently asked as tears spilled down her face. Melody cried out and fought against the tight hold.
“My mom?” Catherine must've gone into shock as she seemed surprised by his question. A loud sob escaped her, and she began to melt down completely. Catherine shook her head. “I don't know if she'll come.”
Leo stifled his own reaction as he observed her desperately searching her back pockets for her phone as she sobbed.
“Why don't I hold the baby?” he asked as Melody continued to voice her unhappiness. Maybe she felt the loss of her daddy as badly as Catherine handled it. “The team's on the way, and someone will come to talk to you about the service and what you need help with. Can I do anything for you, now?”
Catherine allowed Leo to take Melody from her arms. She shakily punched the numbers on her phone, and he heard Carol's voice over the line.
“Mom, it's me, Cat. Ash is dead. He's gone.” Catherine's cry sounded gut-wrenching to his ears. Her shoulders wracked uncontrollably. He desperately scanned the room for tissues, toilet paper, or paper towels. Locating what he needed, he handed her a wad of tissues as he prodded the phone away from her.
“Hello, Carol. It's Leo. I'm with Catherine. Ash was reported killed in the line of duty.” He heard the older woman break down in tears as she asked Leo to tell Catherine she was on her way.
Thirty minutes later, Carol Reese held her daughter in her arms as they consoled each other in grief. From Carol’s reaction, Leo assumed Ash must've become like another son to Carol. He missed her unconditional love over the last couple of years. After things ended with Catherine, he didn't have the heart to stay in touch with her family. Henry and Carol sent care packages, birthday presents, and Christmas cards the first year after Olaf died. He imagined when he refused to respond, they assumed he didn't want to stay in contact. In truth, Leo detested watching Ash in the life he dreamed of with Catherine. Ash took Leo's woman, in-laws, and the family he always dreamed of.
“You’re a damn fool. I can't wait for Doc to come home. You rode his ass about Kassie day and night, but you’re fixin' to lose the love of your own life 'cause you're a dumb ass.” Saint shook his head, jerking Leo back to reality.
“Maybe,” Leo offered.
“Then why did your gut tell you to put a tail on him and her? Why did Miss Cat pack up and leave shortly after discovering her dead husband was alive? You feel it as much as I do. Something’s up. Have you talked to Matthew? I saw Michael in town today. He says he wants to talk to Chase when he gets back. He didn't look good. Kinda green around the gills.” Saint turned off the oven and pulled out his mother's tuna noodle casserole. Grabbing two big bowls, he scooped up two big ladles full and set the bowls on the table.
“Where's Nugget?” Leo asked as he walked toward the kitchen to grab silverware and drinks.
“The kids stayed at Maddie and Joe’s tonight. Jake and Carol are helpin'. Jake's recovering but gets kinda winded at times. Miss Carol is a saint. She lets him sit over there caterwauling, and when he's done, she says, ‘if you have enough breath to whine, ya gotta enough to finish your physical therapy. If you complain anymore, I'm not making dessert.’ I ain't seen a man shut up quicker.” Saint chuckled as he envisioned the arguing pair.
“What time are Chase and Kassie arriving home? Chase called, but I called a meeting with Agent Rhodes and didn't get to it in time,” he asked.
“They're flying in on Saturday morning. Before you ask, I didn't say a word to her. It's their honeymoon. The last thing they need is to worry over something we’re capable of handling ourselves if someone removed his head from his ass.” Saint sat down and started to dig into the food.
“Okay, I'll go to the hotel and talk to her,” Leo sighed.