Page 12 of Coveting Catherine
A couple hours later, pounding on the door startled her. As she jumped to open it before the noise woke her daughter. Thinking Leo forgot something, Catherine swung the door open and nearly slammed it shut when Ash leaned in the jam and smiled.
“Is that any way to greet your husband? I came to meet my daughter.” Ash pushed his way into the room. “Seems like we always come together in hotel rooms.”
“I haven't found an apartment yet,” Catherine stated.
“What about the house you rented in Serenity? Leo said you lived there.” Ash walked over to the now-cold pizza, helped himself, and gave her a once-over. “Some things never change. I think your ass grew two sizes while I was gone, and you haven't been eating salads. I guess we'll have to find a way to work it off together.”
Catherine cringed as she went to unload Melody's toys from her bag.
“What do you want, Ash? Did Claire clear you all of the sudden?” Catherine concentrated on her task and kept her voice as pleasant as possible. She didn’t need Ash to lose his shit with Melody in the same room.
“She wants to talk to you tomorrow to ensure you're handling the shock okay. I explained to her I regretted not coming home to you and little Melody. I expressed my desire to spend time with our little girl. I'll watch Melody while you visit with Claire.” Ash sat on the tiny sofa and ate his pizza as if he didn't have a care in the world.
“Melody doesn't know you. She's almost five, Ash. Kids don't feel comfortable with strangers. I'll call my mom and ask her to watch her,” Catherine threw out.
“Oh, I'm not a stranger. You told her I died a hero. I'm her daddy and her hero. We'll be perfectly fine together.” Ash bit into the slice of pizza and tore it with his teeth like a dog.
“I’d feel better if I heard from Claire you're cleared. You haven’t experienced a Melody tantrum, especially when she's tired.” Catherine chuckled, trying to make everything appear light.
Ash stood and headed back to the pizza box, and she pretended to dig into the bag as she warily refused to turn around and watch him cross the room. She refused to give him fodder because of her fear of him.
Ash grabbed her ponytail, slamming her against the nearest wall. His breath was hot against her ear.
“You'll go to the meeting tomorrow and convince her after the initial shock you decided we must ride this out as a family. Your daughter needs to get to know her father. We wouldn’t want anything to happen to her or Leo, would we? Do I make myself clear?” Ash gritted out.
“Yes, let go of me.” Catherine struggled against his hold. A little voice behind Ash made Catherine stop moving.
“Mama?” Melody rubbed her eyes as her gaze fixed on the unknown man beside her mom.
Ash stepped away, letting Catherine loose in the process. He bent down to Melody's eye level.
“Hi, Melody. You haven't got to meet me. I've been away for a long time. I'm your daddy.” Ash smiled and stroked Melody's hair.
Melody's tired eyes popped open, and her mouth formed an O. “Emma gots a new daddy. Uncle Chase is her daddy. Now I got one, too.” She clapped her hands as if she got the best present ever. Catherine inwardly groaned.
Ash picked the little girl up and ran his finger down her cheek. “Melody, how about tomorrow, you and I get ice cream while Mama's at a meeting?
Melody eagerly nodded her head in agreement. Excited to have her very own daddy like her best friend.
“I think it's time for you to return to bed, Sweetie.” Catherine held out her arms to her daughter, and Melody wrapped her arms around Catherine's neck.
“I can't wait to tell Emma about my Daddy. She's gonna be excited we both gots one now.” Catherine kissed her cheek as she bit her tongue. She turned off the light next to the bed.
“She's off limits, Ash. You can hold Leo over my head all you want, but if you touch her…” she let the warning go.
“I'm surprised Cat. I thought for sure you ran right into Leo's arms as soon as you heard of my death. Then again, he’s solely responsible for your brother's death. Did the knowledge Olaf died because of your lover keep you from reuniting with him? Make no mistake, Olaf won't be coming back, Catherine. I saw his body burn as your boyfriend did nothing to help. I’ve never seen anything more disgusting in my life. If only Leo covered his six…I gotta run now. I told Alek I needed a drive to clear my head. I'll expect to hear from the shrink of your award-winning performance tomorrow. Drop my daughter off at the cabin at oh nine hundred.” Ash opened the door to let himself out.
Catherine held her breath, as the memory of how he imprisoned her the first time with his threat popped into her head.
Ash leaned over the cowering Catherine in the corner of the bedroom. “You’re my wife, not his. When I leave, you'll be watched. If you say anything to your parents, I'll know, and Leo will have an accident. Do I make myself clear?”
Catherine's head bobbed up and down. Terror filled her veins. She needed to survive one more day before Ash deployed, hopefully for months. She’d do whatever it took to keep Leo and her child safe.
The heavy metal door of the hotel room clicked shut, sealing her doom.