Page 23 of Coveting Catherine
Kassie's head drooped down, her hair covering her face. “He thinks I flew to Texas with Maddie, Joe, and Emma.”
Victoria leaned forward and pushed the strands of Kassie's hair behind her ear. “You didn't.”
Kassie nodded and glanced at the phone as it dinged. “Catherine's on her way home. Alek said there’s no sign of trouble.”
“You realize Chase will be furious with you when he finds out. Make no mistake, he will discover you at some point,” Victoria warned.
“I know. Maddie and Joe asked to take Emma to Texas. When I told him, he assumed I planned to go with them. I didn't correct his assumption. When I saw him this afternoon, he encouraged me to go on the trip.” Kassie sighed as she leaned against the darkened window.
Victoria rolled her eyes and tsked Kassie, “How did you get it past Maddie and Joe's radar? Surely, Joe talks to Chase concerning the hospital. Chase will ask Joe about your well-being. Which begs another question. Didn’t the doctor advise you to take things slow?”
“Dr. Baker said I can resume all my usual activities. There isn't anything we can do. I told Joe and Maddie I wanted time alone with Chase before the hospital opened,” Kassie quietly stated as she focused on the house across the street.
“I'm sorry, Luv. You haven't given up trying, have you? I have difficulty believing your godparents fell for your story, considering you recently returned from your honeymoon.” Victoria patted her hand.
“Chase says it doesn't matter to him if we have a child through IVF or if we adopt. When Roger kidnapped me, I wasn’t very far along. The baby didn't move, but I knew he existed. I can't describe the feeling; I only know I want it again.” Kassie shrugged her shoulders. “Joe bought it hook, line, and sinker. Maddie waited until Joe left the room, told me she wasn't a fool, and demanded to know what scheme I cooked up now,” Kassie explained.
“What did she say when she knew of your plan?” Victoria watched as Ash walked outside and waited for Catherine.
Kassie's face scrunched again as she peered at Victoria. “I told her not to worry because you agreed to stay with me.”
Victoria sighed distressed, “You know I’m making progress with Maddie, and we’ve become excellent friends. She'll strangle me on sight now.”
“I'm sorry. Maddie pitched a fit and threatened to tell Chase. The only way she consented to keep the secret is if you stayed. Honestly, you two act as if I'm a child.” Kassie's lip puckered out, and Victoria smiled at her aversion tactic.
“Nice try, but I'm not fooled so easily. I agreed to help you because you’ll do this regardless of my consent. At least I can offer you some protection. My men and I leave at the end of the week. What will you do then?”
“I don't know. Chase mentioned the team has eyes on Catherine. I'm guessing it's Shadow. I haven't seen a single soul. Luckily, I purchased six different vehicles for the team to use. He won't recognize my car or your men. I refuse to let Catherine get hurt because of my mistake,” Kassie urgently stated. “Where does Ivan think you are?”
Victoria chuckled, and her eyes twinkled in merriment. “He thinks I left with you and your godparents. We will be practicing the same phrase as you say: it's better to do it and ask for forgiveness than not doing it at all.”
Kassie smiled at Victoria. “I have no doubt, when Chase and Ivan find out about this escapade, they’ll be furious. It’ll be worth it if Catherine and Melody stay safe.”
“Yes, Luv. The bad is we may not be able to sit for a week, but the good will be your ex-friend will remain safe.” Victoria chuckled.
“Not ex-friend. She's my friend. Catherine once put herself in harm's way for me and my child. I won't hesitate to protect her and Melody.” Kassie's mouth firmed, and her eyes took on a determined glow.
Victoria smiled. Kassie represented everything Victoria wished for in a daughter. James Stanton ruined her opportunity to have her own, but Kassie filled the void. Maybe, fate gave her a second chance with Kassie? Maddie remained Kassie's replacement mom, but Victoria held a special place in her life. Maddie mothered her, while she taught Kassie how to stay strong for herself and her family. Pride welled up at the young woman before her. Kassie remained determined to protect her friend who pushed her away. Victoria prayed their friendship outlasted the storm.
Leo started his truck when Catherine carried Melody to her car in the hospital parking lot. His phone vibrated as Saint's name came across the dashboard display.
“Leo,” he answered.
“Ash went to the bank and withdrew money. Matthew pulled Ash’s computer history when we went to do our check in on him. He traced a bank account in the Caymans. The account is in his name and held one million dollars until two days ago. I’m tracing the transferred funds now. Boss, I hate to tell you this, but the account opened the day before Kassie’s abduction. It seems too coincidental for my liking,” Saint didn't bother to hide his disgust.
Leo gripped the steering wheel. He watched Catherine back out of her parking space and prepared to follow her when another car peeled out of the darkness and began tailing her.
“Saint, we got a tail on Catherine. Have Matthew run a trace on the plates. Alpha, Delta, Charlie, zero, two, eight, one.” Leo waited until they passed the first stop light before attempting to pull alongside the car to get a description of the driver. Damn, the tinted windows hid the driver from view.
“Got it, boss. Matthew's working on it. Do you want me to intercept it? I'm the closest,” Saint's southern drawl got more profound as he concentrated on alerting Matthew and awaited his orders.
“No, I'll observe. They're staying within the speed limit and hanging back. Have Matthew also trace the account that the funds came from to open his account. We need to figure out what Ash is involved in and how far he’s involved Catherine.” Leo unlatched the holster from his side as he followed discreetly behind. “Wake up, Shadow, and have him meet back at the observation point. Do we have an ETA on Taco?”
“Taco’s flight is delayed. Did you want me to call Doc and warn him? I know Miss Kassie and Miss Catherine butted heads, but it doesn’t mean if Ash is involved he might try something again?” Saint asked.
Leo slowed as he watched Catherine pull into the bank ATM line. The other car, a red Chevy, pulled into a parking spot. He waited as Catherine pulled her card out of the ATM and pulled around to the front of the bank. She unbuckled her seatbelt and hopped out of the car. She scanned the parking lot. Leo breathed a sigh of relief knowing she didn’t recognize the truck. Kassie had purchased a number of nondescript vehicles for the team to use.