Page 26 of Coveting Catherine
Leo ripped the band-aid off, “Doc, it's PITA and Victoria.”
“What the hell. Kassie’s in Texas with Joe and Maddie.” Chase exclaimed as Leo heard him moving around. “I'll be there in five.” The phone clicked.
“You better spill it, Victoria,” he warned.
Victoria crooned over Kassie as Leo worried about the fact she hadn't woken up. He prayed his buddy understood why he clocked his wife with a gun. Then he prayed Ivan really meant it when he said the families were legitimatized. His foot added more pressure to the gas pedal as he shook his head and hurried to Serenity Mountain. After tonight, Kassie and Victoria might not ever find serenity there again.
A harried Chase met them at the admitting door. As soon as the truck rolled into the driveway, he ripped open the door and gently picked up his wife from Victoria. Kassie's arms hung down like a rag doll.
Victoria's forehead drew up in a V in concern over the listless Kassie. They followed Chase as he lay his wife on the stretcher and used his flashlight to examine her eyes. Kassie let out a long moan, and suddenly her hand darted to her side.
Victoria screeched as she clutched Kassie's hand tightly, “No, Luv, we’re safe. It's your husband torturing you right now. Be still and listen to my voice.”
Kassie made a gagging noise as Chase rolled her onto her side and placed a vomit basin under her.
“Victoria, go to the freezer in the other room and get me a couple of ice packs,” Chase gritted out. Clearly pissed, Chase continued to assess Kassie. He pulled out the rocks embedded into her forehead and examined a cut at the top of her head. He frowned as he removed the knife from her side.
Leo winced as he remembered how hard he dropped her face down against the asphalt and rocks. He rubbed his forehead nervously while waiting for his friend to tell him Kassie’s condition.
“How did this happen?” Chase snapped as he wiped the blood from the area and began the process of stitching up her head. “I need to do a CT scan to see if she has a concussion. What did she hit?”
“She got the butt of my gun,” Leo admitted.
Chase's head snapped up, and his eyes shot fury at his friend before sanity took hold. He shook his head, guessing the blame belonged to his semi-conscious wife. He nodded and murmured softly to Kassie as he rolled her down the hall. Leo pushed the foot of the stretcher as Victoria dumped the vomit.
Leo shoved the bed to the side as Chase laid Kassie flat. She whispered something, and he reassured her before kissing her forehead. If PITA was talking, it was a good sign. Right?
Chase instructed his friend to leave the room as he entered the room next door. Leo followed him inside.
“I didn't know it was PITA. I swear, Doc. I followed Catherine home and found her dressed in black and camouflaged,” Leo attempted to explain.
“I don't blame you. Joe and Maddie boarded their flight and are on their way home. Apparently, Maddie knew about the scheme and didn't say anything to Joe. I've already called Ivan. He's on his way.” Chase fiddled with the dials in front of him as he concentrated on his wife.
“Shit, Doc. How did Ivan take the news?” Leo whispered as Chase leaned forward inspecting the images as they showed up on the screen.
“The fact he dropped everything, and when I told him what I knew, he became deathly quiet spoke volumes. Then the crazy man laughed.” Chase distractedly spoke. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number. “Hey, Jenson, it's Dr. Winters. I'm sending over some images. I need them read STAT. Is Dr Keller there?” Chase listened and nodded. “Tell him I appreciate it,” he disconnected the call.
“Is PITA okay?” Leo grasped the counter as Victoria walked into the room.
“It shows a minor concussion. My friend will confirm my findings. Kassie will suffer a huge headache and has a nice goose egg forming. The cut on her head took six stitches.” Chase exited the room to get his wife. Victoria pulled the stretcher over as Chase picked Kassie up and gently laid her down.
Kassie moaned and whispered, “I can explain…”
The thunderous look on Chase's face, as Kassie babbled in whispers, made Leo chuckle. He didn't envy PITA at the moment. He gave Chase credit as he lovingly met his wife’s eyes and promised her he wanted to hear about all of it without raising his voice.
Chase examined Victoria's eye while he sat with Kassie. Shadow's sucker-punch turned an ugly purple, and the swelling puffed out the side of Victoria's face. Chase railed at her as he asked her to turn this way and that.
“What were you thinking? She just found out the embryos didn't take, she's on fertility meds, and she's not exactly sane, Victoria. I counted on you to act as the voice of reason,” Chase chastised. “Do you realize how deadly a SEAL can be? Leo could’ve accidentally killed her.”
“It's not my story to tell. As you say, I have a right to remain silent.” Victoria told Chase. “My eye is fine. James Stanton hit me harder than the walking ghost did.”
“It's Shadow, not a ghost,” Chase corrected. “Damn it, Victoria, I'm not arresting you. I know you trained Kassie, and I appreciate everything you did when the team crashed into the Caspian. I'm home now, and I don't want her playing Super Spy.”
Victoria chuckled, “You realize Kassie is no simpering little wife. You can't control her spirit. She needed to help her friend.”
Chase slammed the instruments on the table as his gaze bore into Victoria, “I don't wish to control my wife. I do, however, want to keep her alive.”