Page 29 of Coveting Catherine
“Em, go grab your art project for school and put your clean smock in there, too,” Kassie instructed. She waited until Em skipped to her room. “Honestly, Chase, enough is enough. I'm bored. I understand what I did was dangerous, and just because I can throw a knife doesn't mean I can go around beating up people who threaten my best friend. Please don't make me sit through another Maddie lecture again,” she begged.
Chase opened the door to the fridge and pulled out a water bottle with crushed mint leaves. He set it on the table next to his wife. His head turned as Joe and Maddie walked into the cabin.
Joe immediately beelined in Kassie's direction and kissed her head. “How's the noggin, Little Bit?”
Kassie smiled up at the older man. “I feel much better. Bryanna baked fresh chocolate croissants, and I thought a drive off the mountain sounded like a good idea; you in?” She beamed brighter at Joe. Hope gleamed in her eyes.
“Sorry, Little Bit, I'm in agreement with your husband. Bed rest until the end of the week.”
Kassie groaned. Maddie fussed over Emma before sending her in Kassie's direction. Kassie squeezed Em tightly and fixed an errant curl on the little girl's head. “Have a good day at school, and I'll see you when you get home,” Kassie smiled.
“Okay, Mama. Will you try to behave today so Daddy doesn't make you sit in the thinking corner? I don't know what you did, but it must've been really, really bad,” Emma exclaimed as Joe ushered her toward the door.
Leo chuckled.
Maddie cleaned Emma's plate and placed it in the dishwasher before rearranging Kassie's magazines.
Kassie started to rise.
“Where do you think you're headed?” Maddie demanded.
“I'm making a cup of tea and taking it to my reading nook.” Kassie rolled her eyes, making the two men stifle their laughter. Kassie sent a middle finger in their direction, making them struggle to maintain their composure.
“I'll make the tea, and you aren't reading all day. Yesterday, I warned you to stop, and you ended up getting a massive headache. Not under my watch, young lady, you'll rest.”
“Maddie, I've rested plenty. My butt hurts from sitting in the chair. Let's go for a walk and sit in the gazebo,” Kassie threw out the idea.
“You're lucky you're alive to feel your butt, Sugar. If you were younger, I assure you, I’d put you over my knee for dragging me into that stunt with Victoria. I told you she invites trouble.” Maddie shook her head as she put on the kettle for tea.
Kassie stood dejectedly in the middle of the living room. Leo sauntered over and lifted her chin with his forefinger. He studied her face. “Are the headaches terrible, PITA?”
Kassie's hand enclosed his wrist as she gave it a gentle squeeze. “I overdid it yesterday. I'm full of raging hormones, and the Neanderthal over there punished me with a bedrest order.”
Leo kissed her forehead. “I'm sorry, PITA. Where's your accomplice?”
“Ivan walked in and took one look at Victoria and laughed.” Kassie weaved slightly.
Leo frowned as he led her back to her chair. “He laughed?” He spread the blanket over her lap. “A couple more days, PITA. Chase needs to know you're safe. I could've killed you,” his voice deepened an octave at the thought. “Plus, I ran into Catherine. She sent a message. She apologized it didn't work out between you two. Maybe she's having second thoughts.”
Kassie's head snapped up. “Why do you say that?”
“She brought Melody to have breakfast with Carol and Jake this morning, and I caught her outside to ask about Ash. She gave me the message for you and told me she forgave me for her brother's death. I think she's closer to forgiving us both.”
“She missed work today?” Kassie asked.
Leo watched as Chase leaned down and kissed Kassie again. “I'll pick up Ladybug and bring you back a couple of croissants from Bryanna's.”
Kassie started to say something, then stopped. “Have a good day. I love you.” Her hand caressed Chase's jaw as she slumped back in the chair, brooding.
Leo started the truck and turned toward Seattle to pick up Ash.
“How bad are PITA's headaches?” he asked Chase as he drove.
“She wasn't lying. She’s sensitive to light but doing great. As you can tell, Kassie’s testier than usual. Between the hormones, boredom, and Maddie’s lectures, she’s miserable. It's not your fault. Kassie had no business casing out Catherine's house with Victoria.”
“Kassie didn't tell me what happened to Victoria. Ivan laughed?” Leo questioned Chase.
“Yeah, he walked in, checked Victoria's black eye, kissed her soundly on the mouth, nodded to me, and threw his head back and laughed,” Chase reported.