Page 34 of Coveting Catherine
“I asked her to marry me, and she agreed when she learned of the pregnancy,” Ash boasted.
Leo's skin took on a dark red, almost purple shade as his expression remained grim.
Leo's teeth showed as he gritted out, “You son of a bitch.” Ash suddenly felt like prey, and Leo the lion. He lay in wait until Ash least expected him to launch and planned to gut him then and there.
“I transferred to the other team and Rahimi arranged for my kidnapping. His men created a distraction, and he tore a page from my book and staged my death. For the last three years, he's used me to broker weapons deals and traffic men and women for his camps. I almost shit myself the day you busted through the village, kicking ass. It’s too bad Olaf and I held similar features. You moved heaven and earth thinking Olaf survived. It worked to my advantage.”
Leo refused to face him. His focus stayed on Whiskey. “Did you know of Whiskey’s presence in the camp? Did you hear your brother scream as he endured torture on a daily basis?”
The team turned in unison to face him. When Whiskey saw the truth in Ash's eyes, his face crumbled as a loud wail reverberated through the room.
“Let me get this straight. The only reason you texted Leo is because your ass is on the line? I say give me Rahimi's location, and I'll drop your sorry ass at his door.” Taco’s chilled voice came out deadly.
“No. He threatened to take Catherine and Melody. Catherine's helped me through PTSD moments and the kid…” Ash's voice trailed off.
“What about Kassie?” Matthew, the new man to the group since Ash, spoke up. Matthew’s eyes roamed to the folder on the table.
Chase’s steely gaze fell on him, waiting for him to answer.
Ash closed his eyes before he turned to Chase. “Doc, I overheard the conversation on why you wanted to marry Kassie twice. I contacted James Stanton. I told him when Kassie planned to leave the mountain. I thought he intended to persuade Kassie to give him the banking information. I didn’t think he’d hurt the women and kids…” Ash admitted.
“How did you get access to a phone?” Shadow asked.
“Kassie gave it to Whiskey with pictures of Samantha and LJ. I stole it,” Ash responded.
Chase's gaze locked on Ash. “You put my family in danger. These men have gone through hell. I?—”
Leo interrupted Chase. “When is Rahimi contacting you? What does he want?”
“He didn’t say. I owe him two million dollars. He’s not the type to wait long. I believe he has a tracker on me because he contacted me the day before the wives found out about us. He knows where I’m at.” Ash stated.
Leo jumped into action. “Matthew locate the tracker on him and start searching for Ragu. Saint, you and I will grab Catherine and Melody. Taco, take this piece of shit and tie him to one of the interrogation tables downstairs. Shadow, go back and run surveillance on the house. If anyone shows up, let us know. Doc, can you remove the tracker and keep Catherine and Melody at your cabin?”
Chase's phone rang. Chase pulled out his phone to see who called. He instantly answered it. “Maddie. Everything going smo—” Chase stopped as he listened to a hysterical woman on the other end. He disconnected the call.
“Maddie said Kassie took off in my truck. She said Catherine’s in trouble. I swear I'm tying her to the damn chair.” Chase swiped at his jawline.
“Catherine stopped at Jake's place. Maybe she's still there. I mentioned it to Kassie.” Leo pulled his phone out as it rang.
“Leo,” he answered.
Carol Reese screeched in his ear. He motioned to the group, and the men sprang into action. Saint opened the weapons room, took out a few items, and allowed the men in. Taco zip tied Ash’s hands together and headed to the interrogation rooms.
Leo stopped and turned toward Taco. “On second thought, Taco, bring Ash with us. Rahimi isn’t aware he confessed. It might give us an advantage. You better hope to God you don’t cross me, Ash. I'll gut you like a fish and strangle you with your entrails. My men will have orders to shoot you if you try to escape.” Taco shoved Ash in Leo’s direction. “You're riding with me,” he ordered. The men raced down the mountain.
The team's vehicles screeched to a stop in front of Jake's house. The men piled out as they surveyed the yard. The front porch stood, newly decorated with bullet holes. The screen door hung by one hinge, and the front door resembled Swiss cheese.
Carol's cries permeated through the walls as Leo ran through the house. Jake’s chest moved heavily as he kneeled, trying to stop the bleeding on Carol's leg. Chase brushed him to the side as Saint moved the shotgun out of the way.
“What happened?” Leo demanded as he watched Chase inspect the wound.
Jake shook as he stood. “We heard screams and ran to the door. Kassie threw Melody on the porch as they grabbed her and Catherine. Another man grabbed Melody and held a gun to her head. I tried to slow them down when they shot up the house. One of them nicked Carol in the leg.”
“They took my babies. They wore all black clothing and masks, I can’t identify them,” Carol cried.
Saint walked into the room. “Ash confirmed one of Rahimi's men. Kassie injured one man, and the other didn’t make it. Most likely killed by his buddy's bullets, but he’s sporting a knife wound.”