Page 41 of Coveting Catherine
Leo shoved him aside. He dropped to the ground and yelled at the angelic face of Catherine lying there peacefully. “Damn it, Kit Kat, I'll drag you back if I have to.. Breathe, damn it..” He covered her mouth with his and stopped long enough to do chest compressions. Kassie raised back on her knees and got into position to continue as he breathed into her mouth.
He didn't know how long he continued. It felt like forever. His heart lay at Catherine's feet. He felt nothing, almost numb as he silently begged her to come back to him. Come on, Kit Kat, don’t do this to me now. I finally have a chance to make everything right. Kassie jerked at his hair and planted her hands on either side of his face. She smiled through her tears.
“Stop, Leo, she's breathing.”
Chase worked on her as Kassie stabilized her ankle. Ivan's men joined the trio as they gently placed her on the sheet and loaded her onto the helo. Kassie jumped in and waved for him to join her. He glanced back at his men. Shadow motioned for him to go. For once, Leo had more to live for than his team. The helo lifted as Kassie instructed him on what he needed to do. He watched as Saint bent over Ash while Chase pronounced his time of death. Ash sacrificed himself to save Catherine. It didn't forgive all his sins, but he still felt grateful to his former teammate. It gave him another chance to make everything right.
A team of medical personnel awaited the helicopter as they touched down. Kassie's voice rattled off vital signs and Catherine’s allergies. They raced her down the hall, and Kassie stopped him as they entered the ED.
“Stop. They won't allow you back. I'll watch over her. Go get checked out, and I'll let you know if I find out anything.”
Leo's hand grazed Kassie's bruised face. “Thanks, PITA.”
He stood watching her go through the doors, feeling lost and empty.
A hand on his arm drew his attention. Victoria held Melody. Her dirty little face showed tear tracks on her little cheeks. Her hair held leaves and twigs and her clothes were torn in places. Yet she remained the most beautiful little girl Leo ever laid his eyes on.
“Take Melody to get checked out. I'll wait here for Kassie,” Victoria gently demanded.
He nodded his head.
Victoria gripped his arm harder to gain his attention while she chuckled. “Melody needs a doctor. You need to make sure she isn't hurt.”
Leo's gaze dropped to his daughter. Concerned they hurt his child, he instantly searched for injuries. He held his arms out and Melody wrapped her tiny arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder. “What do I tell them? I don't know her allergies or anything.”
Victoria flashed him a patient smile. Her hand gently touched his sleeve. “I already called Carol. Melody doesn't have any allergies. You'll be fine. I'll come and stay with her when Ivan arrives while they check you out.” She turned him in the direction of the ED.
Leo walked and rubbed Melody’s back soothingly. Her head popped up. “Uncle Leo, is my Mama here?” The tiny, worried voice pulled at his heartstrings.
“Yes, June Bug. Your mama’s here. We can't see her until the doctors make sure she's okay. You and I need to go see a doctor. Do you hurt anywhere?”
“My arm has a owie,” Melody started to cry as if he reminded her of the injury.
Momentary panic set in as he recalled how Catherine and Kassie stopped tears. “I heard they have ice cream downstairs. After the doctor checks out your arm, I'll take you down there and get whatever flavor you want. What's your favorite?”
Melody sniffed as she gave his questions some thought. “I love chocolate. Do you think they gots chocolate?”
Leo chuckled. She and her mother shared the same addiction. “If you want chocolate, you're getting chocolate.” Paternal pride filled him as he touched and smelled the little girl he had fallen hopelessly in love with. He kissed the top of her head. It didn't matter if the hospital carried chocolate ice cream or not. If his daughter wanted it, he’d perform a mission to get it for her.
They x-rayed Melody's tiny arm and found a hairline fracture. Leo's protective instincts kicked in as they moved her arm into position to cast it. He rubbed her head and spoke softly to her.
“Did you know you can ask people to make pictures on your cast?” he asked.
Melody's eyes widened. “What kind of pictures?”
Leo wiped her bangs from her eyes. “Whatever they want to make to see you smile. Do you think I can draw the very first one?”
“Whatcha gonna make?” her tiny nose wiggled as she thought about drawings on her cool new purple cast.
“How about a lion? Or a butterfly? Maybe Rollo?” he listed.
“I like hearts. Can I ask anybody to sign it?” She turned her head and watched as they placed the gauze and dipped the purple material before wrapping it around her arm.
“Yep, anyone you want. It’s your badge of honor cause you’re such a brave girl.” Leo told her.
“I can’t wait to show Miya, Emma, and LJ.” Melody exclaimed, making him laugh.
Victoria arrived and stayed with Melody as he went to the cubical next door. He refused to leave his daughter’s side. The doctors gave her something to help her sleep and instructions for Tylenol. They recommended he take her to her own pediatrician. Leo immediately thought of Michael. He didn't ask Michael to get involved in this mission. He visited his office a couple days before Ash called him. His face appeared grim and pale when he asked Leo for time off. Since he only used Michael as a backup he granted the leave. Now Leo wondered if he should've asked more questions. His mouth firmed into a line as he added Michael to his list.