Page 46 of Coveting Catherine
“Are you all right?” Leo asked. He walked, no stalked, toward her and the bed.
Catherine swallowed as her gaze dropped to the defined muscles of his chest and down to the rock-hard abs before she recalled why she tried to get up in the first place, “I need to use the bathroom. I dropped my crutches, trying to get out of your bed. I can’t remember the last time I slept this comfortably.”
He didn't speak as he bent over, scooped her in his arms, and carried her into the bathroom. “Yell when you're finished. I'll wait outside.”
She hobbled over to the sink and washed her hand when she completed her morning routine. On hearing the water running, Leo opened the door and indicated his displeasure at her.
“Didn't I tell you to call for me? Chase warned me nurses make the worst patients.” He waited until she finished drying her hands before scooping her up again. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he walked out of the bedroom.
“It’s early. The sun’s coming up and I have breakfast going. I thought you might enjoy seeing my view.” She was already enjoying the view.
Catherine nodded as she studied his face. He had changed from the skinny young man her brother brought home all those years ago. His body transformed. His chest felt like a brick wall comprised of nothing but muscle. His wide shoulders appeared massive, and he narrowed around the taut abs and waist. His arms resembled rippled logs, thick and muscular. His eyes held tiny lines around them, making him even sexier. This Leo, was the man his youthful self-longed to be.
Henry Reese, her father, encouraged and pushed the young man to become the leader his men saw in him now. Olaf was content to follow orders, but Leo commanded a room. He stopped next to the floor-to-ceiling window. He turned his head to see her reaction to whatever the view contained outside, but she remained fully engrossed on his lips. Her hand caressed the stubble along his jawline and his golden eyes, resembling a lion's, searched her face.
He pulled her tighter to him, being mindful of her burns, and leaned in to softly brush his lips against hers. “Good morning, Kit Kat,” his voice came out deep and husky, sending shivers down her back.
Her senses reeled as she realized he cut off his beard and clearly showered. She smelled his spicy cologne with an earthy scent. Her thumb traced along the outside of his ear as she smiled at him. Her eyes drifted to the burn along his arm.
“Does it hurt?” she asked.
“Not as much as the alternative,” he responded.
His eyes crinkled as he returned her smile and shifted her to see the view. The waterfall across the yard captured her attention, and she watched in awe. “Oh, it's stunning. I thought Kassie's house held the most magnificent view of the lake and mountains. This might be right up there.” He walked her toward the couch and set her down facing the waterfall. He moved the plush footstool in front of her, grabbed a pillow, and propped her ankle.
“Considering it's the same lake, I’d say the view complements theirs.”
“We're on Serenity Mountain?” Catherine asked. “When did you move here permanently?”
Leo went to the kitchen, checked on breakfast, poured two cups of coffee, and brought one back to her as he sat beside her. She noticed he added cream and sugar to her cup before popping an ice cube into her mug.
“I got the keys about a month ago,” he told her.
Catherine slowly put the mug down as she enjoyed the view. “I thought Kassie only built the staff lodging and the transition cabins.”
Leo sipped his coffee, took her cup and his, and set them on the tray. “I thought the same thing. Kassie found the house plans in Chase's parents' cabin before Joe and Maddie moved in. While she and Joe worked on the team base, she went exploring and discovered the waterfall. They gave me the house for as long as I want to live here.”
Catherine sat mesmerized by the view. It dawned on her as she scanned the cabin, the style of furniture and the colors contained a mixture of her and Leo's tastes. “You always dreamed of owning a home, and Kassie gave it to you.”
He frowned. “Are you still upset with Kassie?”
Catherine leaned back onto the sofa. “No. She saved my child. I made her take Melody and run. She didn't want to leave me. I want to stay mad at her over Ash, but then she goes all badass on me and saves my kid. How can I stay upset with her? I claim my part in this mess. I didn’t talk about my marriage with Ash and blamed her for putting me in this position. I let my anger rule my actions, instead of listening. I think we need time to talk and heal.”
“I got to know Kassie while I watched over her. The fact I told her a secret and she kept her promise, regardless of your friendship speaks volumes. When we arrived in the woods, Rollo alerted us someone was coming. She stuffed Melody inside Doc’s sweatshirt with her to keep her warm. She ran for her life. We attempted to stop her quietly as we weren't sure if anyone else followed. She still managed to evade us, running in zigzags, bit Saint's hand, and when we finally caught her, she pleaded for Melody's life. She’s proven herself as a good friend to both of us.”
“I don't doubt it.” Catherine sighed. “Right now, our friendship feels like a frozen lake. If either of us moves, the ice will crack and break. I’m hurt, although I understand why she did it. I know I hurt her too.”
“Maybe you two need an afternoon alone to talk things out? Or maybe Claire might have suggestions. I hate you to see you two at odds when I'm the one who gave her the ultimatum. Both of us did it to protect you.”
Catherine mulled over his words.
“At some point, Rebecca Rhodes will be here to get your accounting of everything Ash told you before he died. You'll need to figure out if you want to hold a funeral or cremate him.”
Catherine nodded her head. “I don't know how to handle this. My dead husband is alive one moment, and now we’re preparing for his death. Do I need an attorney to figure all this out? Melody received his benefits, and I imagine I need to repay them. Ash closed my bank account. I managed to get some out and hid it in the bottom of my bag. I'll need to figure out what to do for money and getting Melody back to school.”
“You won’t be able to work anytime soon with your job. Elizabeth called and explained the situation to your boss. I’m unsure if they plan to hold it. Why don't you enroll Melody in school in Serenity? Kassie can drive her with Emma and Miya,” he suggested.
“I'll think about it,” Catherine focused on the waterfall. The doctor informed her the ankle required a couple of months to mend. The burns hurt but continued to heal. How could she handle Melody on her own? Hiring an attorney to sort through Ash’s mess required funds. The money she stashed dwindled quickly in her mind. Not to mention she fractured her relationship with her best friend. Most importantly, where did she stand with Leo? He offered his home as a place of refuge. Did he suggest it because SEALS take care of their own or something else?