Page 49 of Coveting Catherine
A smile played on her face as she remembered their night in the hotel room. His hands left no place untouched. He explored, nibbled, caressed, and made her feel beautiful again. Her jiggly bits and fuller figure didn't make him gag and tell her to turn off the lights. He didn't stare at other women when they went out for groceries with the girls or when they supervised them at the park. In fact, as she watched Leo playing with Melody and Emma, she wished they shared their life together with their own kids and a home. Maybe once he returned, a second chance might allow them to live the life they talked about all those years ago.
She heard the door open, and Melody's sweet voice filled the living room. Her mom said something, and Melody ran upstairs to her bedroom. Catherine placed the butter inside the refrigerator and walked around the corner to greet her mom.
Carol Reese's face seemed pale and drawn. Tears pooled in her eyes. Catherine rushed over and guided her mom onto the couch.
“What is it? Did something happen to Melody?” Catherine's gaze went up to the stairway when Carol reached for her hand and squeezed it. “No, Baby, Melody’s fine. Jake came over to Samantha’s while I got my hair styled. There's no easy way to say this. He told Samantha the helicopter carrying the team went down. It crashed in the ocean.”
Catherine sat stunned. Her heart stopped and refused to beat. Her lungs denied her the ability to breathe. “What? When? Kassie said Chase texted her. You must be mistaken, Mom,” Catherine reasoned out loud.
Carol sadly shook her head. “They left to tell Kassie now.”
Catherine bent over as if someone punched her in the gut. “No. It can't be true. Leo’s coming home. I need to talk to him.”
“I'm sorry, Baby. He's gone.”
Catherine's cry pierced the room. The blinding pain she felt when her brother died filled her. The emptiness consumed her. Her heart ached as she realized her second chance with Leo had disappeared in a flash.
It can't be true. She didn't get to tell him she loved him. Her world didn't exist without him in it. Her heart shattered in two. She vaguely heard her mom talking to her. She sat on the couch, her body blissfully numb. Melody climbed into her lap, and she absently stroked her daughter's hair.
At some point, her mom forced her to drink something. She didn't recall what it was. It lacked any taste. Her world felt black and empty.
A few hours later, Catherine blinked in the darkness of the living room. Her mother sat in the chair opposite her with her hand clinging to Catherine's. The clock on the wall ticked. The wind rustled through the trees. The refrigerator motor made a noise as it turned on. Everything went on as if her world hadn't shattered in a heartbeat.
Tears fell down her cheeks and dripped down the sides of her face. Carol's hand stroked her daughter's face as Catherine stared at the ceiling.
“I'll never love again, Mom. I’m being punished for my mistakes. I should've let Leo explain when he came after Olaf’s funeral. I refused to tell him what I did. Now he's gone…”
“Oh, Baby, he loved you. He wanted you to find happiness. If he stood here right now, he’d insist for you to go on with your life.”
Catherine nodded her head. Leo wouldn't insist, he’d demand. If ghosts proved real, he’d haunt her with a vengeance to make her live her life. Right now, none of it mattered. The chance of the life she envisioned with Leo disappeared forever.
When he returned, he told her he didn’t want a relationship with her because of the crash. Then Ash turned up alive. Did she believe in signs? Because everything pointed to the obstacles in their path. Even in death, Ash left her in the hot seat with the CIA, the team, and the man she loved. When it came down to it, she wondered why she ever believed love was worth fighting for. She only hurt from the effort.
He watched the emotions play on her face as he washed her hair. She seemed deep in thought. When he shaved her legs, he saw the hurt and vulnerability flash in her eyes when he mentioned the advice she gave Chase. He pushed down the anger and hurt he felt when he walked into the hotel room to find his friend.
Chase remained distraught as Kassie refused to see him. The stubborn woman pushed everyone away because of fear. Catherine seemed to do the same thing whether she realized it or not. He thought of how strongly Catherine encouraged Chase.
Catherine placed a hand on Chase’s shoulder, and he grasped it tightly. “She refuses to see me. I tried talking to her, and she's made up her mind. I love her so damn much,” Chase's voice cracked from emotion.
“Give her time. Kassie experienced trauma. Right now, she can't see the light for the dark. She's grieving. She's hurt and scared.” Catherine softly consoled the distraught man.
“I'm not giving up. Kassie's my world. I've made mistakes, Catherine.” Chase pinched the bridge of his nose as if the mere thought of them pained him.
“Shsh. Kassie's in pain and confused. She loves you. You need to remain patient and remind her your love can overcome anything. When you truly love someone , it doesn't go away. It may change and evolve, but it never leaves. Don't give up on her, Chase. Promise me you'll do everything in your power to fight for her. She deserves happiness.” Catherine rubbed Chase's back in a comforting gesture.
Why did Catherine feel she didn’t deserve happiness? Leo pondered Ash’s statements. The entire time he spewed his confession, he never took responsibility for his part. He killed Maverick and blamed it on Leo because the leader jumped out of the helo to save him. Every SEAL on the team watched each other’s backs. When did Ash forget their motto? He mentioned Leo’s friendship with Olaf when they were younger. He recalled asking Ash repeatedly to join them. He refused. He put drugs in Leo’s CamalBak, then blamed Ragu for drinking it. Ash risked the entire team and still blamed everyone else but himself.
How much abuse did Catherine suffer under Ash? She presented a strong, independent woman to the outside world. She only let him glimpse the vulnerable side before she erected her walls. This time, Leo planned to break them brick by brick.
A week later, Catherine leaned over the scrabble board and spelled the word quixotic. She beamed as she placed the word on the board. Leo’s nose scrunched as he shot her a quizzical glance.
“You made the word up. It doesn’t count,” he argued.
“Yes, it does.” She did a sitting happy dance. “Do you want to write it down? I scored eighty points.” she excitedly gloated.