Page 65 of Coveting Catherine
She attempted to rise, and he held her still as his brows furrowed in concern. He reached for the bottled water on her desk and handed it to her. She took a few small shaky sips.
“When’s the last time you ate? Don’t think of lying to me.” Because that’s what he thought she did now, … “When’s the last time you ate a real meal?” Leo demanded.
Catherine attempted to recall the last time she ate. When it took her too long to answer, Leo scooped her up off the floor and began walking.
“Stop. I'm working. We have the grand opening,” Catherine argued. Leo paid no attention to her words as he walked across the parking lot. He opened the door and sat her on the seat of his pickup truck.
“My car is?—"
“Don’t even think about it. You nearly passed out and you aren’t driving on this mountain in this condition,” he demanded.
They didn't speak as he drove around the mountain and parked at his house. He walked around, picked Catherine up, and walked inside. He set her on the couch.
“This isn’t necessary. If you call my mom, she’ll come get me and I’ll eat when I get home. I forgot with the grand opening and getting the nursing staff settled to accept patients in the morning?—”
“Remind me to call Doc and ask him if he or Kassie forgot to eat. We might have an epidemic of people too busy to eat going around,” he sarcastically replied.
Catherine huffed. “I didn’t do it purposefully. I’ve got a lot on my mind.”
Leo stopped. He regarded her for a moment as if he wanted to say something. He ran his hand across his face. Striding to the fridge, he pulled out lunch meat, cheese, lettuce, bread, and spicy mustard. Slapping together a sandwich and adding a couple of pickles he brought the plate to her with a large glass of iced tea. Then he sat on the footstool to ensure she ate every last bite.
Leo flipped through his phone while she ate and refused to converse with her. Every time she asked a question, he gave her a pointed look and glanced back at the plate.
“We aren’t talking until you eat,” he declared.
“You don’t get …”
“I mean it, Kit Kat,” he warned.
When she finished three quarters of the sandwich and a pickle, her stomach felt satisfied. She set the plate on the table next to her. Her eyes remained on the floor as she waited for him to take her back home.
Leo crouched in front of her. “What are you doing, Kit Kat?” His voice was low and serious.
“I forgot to eat. It’s not a big deal, I’m swamped at work, and I’m supposed to help Kassie today. I need to get back to the hospital.”
“You aren’t going anywhere. I’ve already texted Chase and Kassie. They know where you’re at. Since I have you here, let’s discuss you not taking my calls. I discovered I only get answers when I ask a question concerning our daughter. Is this how you want things to stand with us until she turns eighteen?” Leo rubbed his hand over his face and jaw.
“I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t. Honestly, I hate this arrangement.”
Fear spiked through her. She was prepared to work with him on allowing him time with Melody, but she didn’t want him to have full custody. “Please don’t take her from me. I know you missed out on tons of things, but I promise to let you see her whenever. Don’t take her from me,” she pleaded as tears fell.
Leo straightened. The thought of taking Melody away from her mother never crossed his mind. Anger filled him. Ash caused this mess. He hurt the woman Leo loved and made her doubt herself and question him. Did she make the wrong assumptions of what he tried to show her?
Catherine oozed independence in front of her friends and peers, but he saw the fear and insecurities she held. The fear he planned to snatch Melody from her, hurt like a punch to the gut. If he wanted a future with her, he needed to break the walls she resurrected to protect herself. He wanted his hot-headed redhead back.
An image of Olaf floated in his mind. The same secret smile ran across his face, “What are ya waiting for brother? Go get our girl. Let me live through you…”
A plan formed in his mind as he set into motion the most crucial mission of his life.
“I didn’t give it much thought. I’m sure a judge would sympathize with a military veteran deprived of his child for the last five years because of lies and manipulations. I might be granted full custody. Especially when Melody’s mom can’t care for herself, lied to her daughter’s father, and refuses to answer his calls…”
Catherine’s hackles began to rise, she stood and towered over him. “You despicable jerk.”
Leo bit back his smile. There was his Catherine.