Page 68 of Coveting Catherine
Kassie’s face lit up as if she won the lottery. She stood and squealed as she embraced the laughing, Catherine. “Congratulations. I’m so excited for you.”
Catherine pulled her friend back to search her face. “It’s okay if you feel sad. I know you’re trying. Now, you’ll see me day after day getting bigger and bigger. The last thing I want to do is make this harder for you.”
Kassie shook her head as her eyes filled with unshed tears. “No, I’m happy for you. I might have a few bad days as you get further along, but it has nothing to do with you. My inability to conceive doesn’t mean I can’t feel the joy of people around me growing their family. I’ll let you know if I need space, but I don’t want you to tip-toe around me and worry nonstop about my feelings. This is your journey and one I’ll happily participate in as Aunt Kassie.”
Catherine breathed a sigh of relief. “We’ll tell everyone when we have dinner at the team facility tomorrow night The kids won’t be there since Victoria and Ivan volunteered to take them for a movie night. I wanted to prepare you.”
Kassie squeezed her hand. “This is your moment and your joy. I want you to embrace every minute of it.” Catherine knew Kassie felt genuinely happy for her.
“Good, because I want to ask if you and Chase will be godparents to Melody and whoever this one chooses to be.” She placed her hands on her tummy and smiled down.
“Chase and I would be honored.” Kassie smiled. “Have you picked out names?”
“Actually, only one. Leo demanded we need to offset the girl population by having a boy, and of course, no one defies him.” Catherine laughed. “We plan to name him Eric, after my brother.”
“Oh, Catherine, your mom will love it.” Kassie smiled.
“Yes, I think she will.” The two women sat under the evening sky and reveled in the joy of the wonderful news.
Samantha’s lights flicked off as both women turned to see a tall, handsome man in an expensive suit holding the door for her to exit the building. He waited patiently as she locked the doors and then leaned down to pick up a suitcase Kassie recognized as Samantha’s. Her usually braided hair now fell below her shoulders, flat ironed straight. She dressed in a black pantsuit and matching coat. Her face held artfully applied make-up. The man crossed the sidewalk to his car and opened the door to his sleek red car. He bent down and placed a long kiss on Samantha’s lips. His hand caressed her cheek before he stepped back and waited for her to enter the vehicle.
Samantha turned to glance back at her shop and down the sidewalk toward Bryanna’s bakery. Her eyes widened as she caught sight of the two women sitting at the bistro table. She paused as the women watched the pain and heartache cross her face before she smiled up at the handsome man before getting in. He closed her door, jogged to the driver’s side, and started the car. It passed by Kassie and Catherine as Samantha stared straight ahead.
Chase knocked on the door of Catherine and Leo’s cabin. Leo answered and moved to allow him inside. Leo’s gaze fell on the file folder he held and guessed Doc must’ve discovered more information concerning Catherine’s first pregnancy.
Catherine joined them at the kitchen table after settling Melody into bed.
“I combed through your medical records. At every visit, you were seen by the same assistant and doctor. It seemed strange you would see the exact same people. Especially in OB practices where doctors take turns on call. The assistant noted your record each time.”
Catherine reached for Leo. He took her hand and waited. “Ash chose the clinic and doctor. He said he had ways to get rid of my baby if I disobeyed.”
Catherine saw the anger both men felt at her revelation. “We’re angry with the bastard, not you,” Leo assured her as he moved his chair closer to her.
“Matthew paid the assistant a visit. Ash blackmailed her into helping ‘doctor’ your records. She changed the dates in the system and on your ultrasounds by two weeks. As a first-time mom, it’s not unusual to go beyond your due date,” Chase explained.
“But I had a period the week of the funeral,” Catherine said. “I know what the tests show but…”
“You said yourself condoms aren’t a hundred percent,” Leo reminded her.
“The stress of your brother’s death and the absence of Leo might’ve caused the irregular bleeding. Matthew didn’t report her to the authorities yet. She could face jail time for falsifying medical records and giving you medication without consent,” Chase informed them.
“Wait. What medication?” Catherine gripped Leo’s hand. Leo saw her distress and confusion.
She claimed she gave him antihistamines and melatonin to make you sleep. She didn’t want any part in hurting your child. According to Keri, Ash carried some twisted sense of honor. He held no guilt in ruining your lives and lying concerning Melody’s paternity, but he drew the line at raping Catherine. He gave you the medication on your wedding night and stayed at bars until closing when they returned from missions, and only gave you the medication as needed. I can’t say whether he slept with other people, but I hope this eases your mind a bit,” Chase told her compassionately.
“Thank you, Chase. We decided to focus on our future and move from the past. I’m relieved to know he didn’t give me anything to hurt Melody. I do remember being extremely tired when we went to bed. I chalked it up to new motherhood and working twelve-hour shifts. I can’t remember doing the deed with him one way or the other.”
“It doesn’t matter. You’re mine now,” Leo assured her.
“What do you want me to tell Matthew concerning the assistant, Keri?” Chase inquired.
Leo nodded to Catherine. “She conspired with Ash to mislead you. You lived with the guilt and terror of Ash. I’m leaving the decision up to you.”
“Don’t report her. Ash ruined enough lives and I know how threatening he could be when you didn’t do what he wanted. Have Matthew warn her that he’ll be watching her. I don’t want her to get a free pass to find out later she continued to change records.”
Chase nodded. “Will do.” He stood and let himself out.
Leo faced Catherine. “Did it help explain some of your worries?”