Page 8 of Coveting Catherine
"What do you expect me to do. You're my brother. Don't ask me to help you end your life. I will not do it so you can leave the man who put you here in charge," Ash hissed.
"I love you like a son. You wouldn't let a dog suffer like this. You’d put him down. I know you have your issues with Leo, and don't bother denying it. You're good at taking orders and following them through, but you aren't a leader, son. You don't have the guts to do what needs to be done. Leo's got it in spades. There's no shame in it. It is what it is…" Maverick dozed off. Ash sat back in the chair and let the rage flow through him. He didn't have what it takes? He’d show his leader how wrong he was.
Saint popped his head into the room. "How's Maverick doing? Leo's out of surgery. It turned out better than appeared. I wouldn't be surprised if he woke up and was already barking orders."
"Maverick dozed back off again. He's in a lot of pain. Can you sit with him for a bit? I'll come back and relieve you. I need to grab some chow and a shower," Ash requested.
"Take your time. I'll watch over him." Saint took the seat Ash vacated.
"Thanks, I appreciate it. I don't want him left alone." Ash stared at his teammate one last time before he walked out the door.
Four hours later, Ash sat in the room while Maverick stopped breathing. Alarms brought the medical team running, but Ash knew no matter what they tried, he wasn't coming back. Ash did what it took to get the job done.
Catherine locked the door and attached the chain to the cheap hotel room. She settled Melody with a snack and her paints before she propped up against the headboard of the bed. She smiled at her daughter chattering away as she decided on the next color to paint her flowers. Melody represented the only good thing about her marriage to Ash. Frowning, she recalled how Ash manipulated her and she fell for it in her grief and anger at losing Olaf and then Leo.
Three weeks later, Catherine stared at the white stick and closed her eyes as two pink lines appeared even before the three-minute timer went off. She was pregnant. Her period started the week they lost Olaf. She and Leo practiced safe sex. He diligently stocked up on condoms to ensure they remained protected. They agreed to wait until they married and traveled a few years before having children.
The only night unaccounted for was when she left the bar with Ash and woke up in the hotel room. Thinking back, she didn't remember seeing a condom wrapper or anything indicating they used any precautions. Her hand flew to her stomach. The baby was Ash's. It hit her like a ton of bricks. Shame washed through her. She had gotten drunk at a bar and slept with Leo and Olaf's teammate. Ash, almost a stranger to her, and now she was pregnant with his child.
Ash threw open the door to his apartment, shocked at seeing her standing there. In fairness, she snuck out of the hotel and made herself scarce while she knew the team stayed in town. Leo called the house several times. She didn’t want to face him knowing what she had done.
"Cat." Ash ran his hand through his hair as he stood shirtless in the doorway as if she woke him up.
"Can I speak with you for a moment?" She shifted from one foot to the next as he opened the door wider to give her admittance.
Catherine fidgeted with her purse as Ash excused himself to grab a shirt from his bedroom. True to the military standards, his apartment appeared spotless. No personal photos or items hung on the walls or decorated the room.
"I have to admit, I’m surprised to see you. You left so fast…" Ash gestured for her to sit on the couch as he sat across her in a worn chair.
"Ugh, yeah. Sorry about that. I’m afraid I drank too much, and it came as a shock when I woke up beside you the next morning. I should've handled it better."
Ash dipped his head in acknowledgment and waited for her to speak.
"I…ugh…need to talk to you. I came to tell you I’m pregnant." Catherine ripped the bandage off.
Ash sat back in the chair, and his eyes widened in surprise. His hand swiped down his face in shock.
"I don't mean to sound callous, Cat. It's mine?"
Catherine swallowed. She barely knew Ash and speaking of something so personal embarrassed her. "I've only slept with Leo. I got my period the week of Olaf's funeral. Plus, we always practiced safe sex. I broke it off with him the night he returned, and I met you at the bar. You're the only other person I've slept with."
Ash nodded. "I see. Have you taken a test?"
Catherine pulled out the stick wrapped in a sandwich bag. The two pink lines left no doubt.
"I’m sorry. Honestly, I don't remember much of that night, but I don't recall seeing a condom wrapper anywhere, I can only assume…"
Ash smiled. "I’m afraid we consumed too much alcohol. We grieved for Olaf." Ash took her hand in his. "What do you want to do about it?"
Catherine sat for a moment before speaking. "I’m almost done with school. I'll be able to get a job after the baby’s birth. I’m not expecting anything from you. I wanted to tell you I’m keeping it. I can provide for the baby and give it a good life. Working the last semester will probably be tough, but I can do it. I just thought you deserved to know."
"I’m not leaving you to raise our child alone. Granted, this pregnancy isn't planned, but we can make the best of it." Ash stood and paced the room. "I was a foster child, Cat. I don't want my kid growing up without a father. I want to provide for both of you and remain in the baby’s life." He sounded solemn as he took a seat next to her. "I've got an idea. Why don't we get married? You and the baby will be under my insurance. If something happens to me, I'll know you and my child will be provided for."
"Ash, I hardly know you. We don't need to go to those lengths. My parents will support my decision. They'll probably be shocked but won't deny their only grandchild." Catherine reasoned as she let out a breath. This seemed a lot easier than she anticipated in her head.
"I want both of you cared for. I know things will be a bit awkward for you. Explaining to your parents how we participated in drunken and unprotected sex and oops. Plus, I imagine you still harbor feelings for Leo…"